Self-care doesn’t have to take long to prep and do, such as soaking in a perfect rose petal bath or anything like that.
It can take just one quick minute to show yourself some much-needed TLC.
What I’m saying is self-care doesn’t have to be complex and time-consuming.
Here is a list of self-care ideas that take only one minute to make yourself feel better instantly!
List of Self-Care Ideas that Take Only 1 Minute

1. Drink a glass of water
Drinking a glass of water is one of the best one-minute self-care ideas you can do right now.
Water is always a good thing to drink, any time of the day.
In fact, many of us are dehydrated and barely drink water throughout the day.
What are you waiting for? Go pour yourself a tall glass of cool water and guzzle it down. You’ll feel fresh and good.
2. Eat a bowl of your favorite fruit
Fruits are probably the best snack you can eat out there.
They are rich in a lot of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy body.
What’s more is that they are sweet and delicious!
Cut up a bowl of your favorite fruit(s). Mine is pineapple or cantaloupe. You can also just have a bowl of grapes or berries. Remember to wash your fruits first.
You’ll feel like you did a good thing for your health and your energy levels will peak!
3. Do some stretches
Stretch your arms, legs or back. Rotate your neck gently. You’ll feel the tension leaving your body.
You may even get some satisfying cracks out of stiff joints!
4. Take some deep breaths
Sometimes, all you got to do is stop what you’re doing and take a few deep breaths.
Inhale deeply through your nose. Count to three then exhale. Do this a few more times and you’ll feel much better.
5. Say some affirmations aloud
You can say simple positive affirmations such as ‘I am healthy and happy’ or fiery ones such as ‘I am unstoppable.’
Whatever the affirmation is, as long as it makes you feel good, then say it out aloud. You don’t need to stop what you’re doing. Just say them while continuing your activities whether it’s washing the dishes, working or exercising.
6. Write down 3 things you are grateful for
Gratitude is something that is healing. It helps you realize you have more than what you think, no matter if it’s materialistic or not.
It can be anything: your car, the ability to breathe, your pet, peace & quiet etc.
Just noting these things can show your mind that you have something that someone somewhere out there might be wishing for.
7. Splash some cold water on your face
Water is also very therapeutic.
You don’t have to take a full shower to enjoy its healing properties.
Simply splashing your face with cold water can jolt your senses, make you feel refreshed and ready to continue your activities in a renewed state.
8. Hug your furry friend
Hugging or cuddling your pet can release dopamine (the feel-good hormone) and serotonin (the happiness hormone).
If your pet doesn’t want to be hugged right now, just surprise him/her with a treat.
Seeing your furry friend happy can make YOU feel warm and fuzzy inside!
9. Smile
I just smiled right now even though I feel neutral – not happy or sad. I just stretched my lips and felt better.
Try it!
You can even look in the mirror and smile at yourself.
10. Stand/walk in the grass barefoot
If you have access to a grassy ground like maybe your backyard, you can take your shoes off and just walk around bare feet.
It’s a therapeutic practice called ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’.
Earthing focuses on earthing science and grounding physics and it says that electrical charges from the earth have certain positive effects on your body.
More Self-Care Ideas that Take Only 1 Minute

11. See some funny memes
Everyone is a meme person, it just depends on the type of memes that they vibe to.
Check out some memes that make you crack up or put a smile on your face.
12. Look out the window
Looking out the window just feels nice to do, wherever you are.
Even if it’s just looking down below at cars zooming past or just seeing tress and greenery, taking a moment to forget what you’re doing and looking out the window can help you recharge and get lost in your thoughts before you come back to ‘real life’ or the task at hand.
13. Massage your shoulders for one minute
One of the best self-care ideas that take only one minute is massaging tired body parts like my shoulders or feet. It feels relaxing and satisfying squeezing those tense shoulder muscles.
Do it right now and see how nice it feels! That’s some self-care you can’t miss out on!
14. Delete an app that you barely use
Most of us have way too many apps on our phones.
Clearing them out can make you feel better, trust me on this one.
Even if it’s just one app you’re deleting, that’s one less push notification to distract you.
15. Unfollow people on social media
If you open your social media and it makes you feel jealous or drained, what’s the point?
Unfollow people who don’t inspire you or don’t post valuable content. You can also unfollow people who you no longer relate to or simply don’t want to see anymore.
Clearing that out will make your mind feel so much more at peace.
In fact, deactivating your social media for a while is a great idea. Or if you want to go the extra mile, you can even delete your accounts. It’s not an extreme measure if it improves the quality of your life.
16. Clear out your workspace
Sometimes, my work/study table gets too cluttered and it makes me feel unmotivated.
Clear out items at your desk like putting stationery back in its holder and taking a mug back to the kitchen. Then get some wipes and clean the table.
Then begin working again, clean and anew!
17. Wipe your phone or laptop screen
On the topic of cleaning, it’s time to clean your phone or laptop screen & keyboard. This stuff can get dirty or oily in no time.
Wiping them down can make you feel fresh and good.
18. Mute or exit chat groups
Chat groups are very distracting and can even be downright toxic.
That’s why I exited the ones I’m in and make sure nobody adds me to any. I feel happier this way.
Whether it’s an old class group, friend group or even family group, let’s face it – sometimes they need to go.
Time to mute them or even exit them. The peace of mind you’ll receive after you do this is heavenly.
19. Cross something off your to-do list
To-do lists are great ways of getting things done.
Doing something as small as crossing an item off your list can be very rewarding and what can be considered as self-care.
Your item can be even be as simple as taking the trash out.
20. Close and rest your eyes for a bit
This is possibly one of the easiest self-care ideas that take only one minute.
Our eyes can be stressed from the computer screen or the phone screen. Even if they aren’t, just try closing your eyes for a minute.
You don’t even have to think about anything, you can just focus on your eyes being closed.
It’s meditative practice that leaves you feeling calm.
Thanks for reading this article, “List of 20 Self-Care Ideas that Take Only 1 Minute.” Please share any ideas you have in the comments!
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