All nuts are good for your mood and mental health, but here are the best nuts that increase dopamine and serotonin – two important chemicals that bust depression and anxiety.
Go Nuts Eating Nuts!
Most edible nuts contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is VERY dopamine & serotonin-friendly.
According to this study, tryptophan is helpful in treating many mood disorders including depression.
Furthermore, when consumed alone on an empty stomach, tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, is usually converted to serotonin.
That being said, tryptophan can induce sleep and tranquillity, which is what most of us with low dopamine/serotonin crave the most in life.
But in this article, we’re going to look at the best nuts that increase dopamine and serotonin!
Yup, now you have reasons why should eat them more than any other nuts when it comes to your mental & emotional well-being.
Top 5 Nuts that Increase Dopamine & Serotonin

1. Butternuts
Maybe you’ve heard of butternuts, maybe you’ve not.
Nope – I don’t mean butternut squash!
Butter nuts are real nuts – they are a relative of walnuts. They are even dubbed ‘white walnuts.’ Also, they taste like mild walnuts with a slight butteryness!
And apparently, they may the top nuts when it comes to increasing serotonin. Hear this – butternuts contain 398 microgram of serotonin per gram.
You probably won’t find butternuts or white walnuts in grocery stores. But if you do – please come back here and tell us where in the comments below!
2. Walnuts
Walnuts are incredibly good for boosting dopamine and serotonin levels.
They contain many feel-good nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6, tryptophan, protein and folate.
All these are essential for the production and functioning of healthy hormones and neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin!
Higher blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids have been linked with better mood and lower rates of depression.
Furthermore, eating walnuts may reduce the risk of mood disorders and brain diseases.
This is because of its rich omega 3 fatty acid content that helps enhance brain function and preserving the myelin sheath that protects nerve cells.
Not to mention, black walnuts are specifically high in serotonin – they contain 304 mcg of serotonin per gram, compared to English walnuts that contain 87 mcg of serotonin per gram.
This study shows that eating walnuts more than any other nut results in fewer and less depressive symptoms in people.
It also notes that the lower depression scores among consumers of walnuts appear to be traced back to better concentration, higher energy levels, more interest in doing things, and greater self-control of rates of speech and movement.
So please go ahead and enjoy walnuts in your diet, y’all! 🙂
3. Almonds
Almonds are healthy, tasty and boost your dopamine and serotonin levels by miles as well!
They are rich in tyrosine, which is an amino acid that research has shown to be converted into dopamine in the brain. Remember the neurotransmitter dopamine is made from the amino acid tyrosine!
Almonds contain omega 3 fatty acids, which helps in serotonin conversion.
These nuts also packed with magnesium which plays an important role in the development of serotonin.
Not to mention, almonds also have Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and Vitamin B9 (folate) as well as Vitamin E in them, which all help strengthen the immune system during times of too much stress and poor mental health.
4. Cashew Nuts
Most people avoid cashews because they think they’re the fattiest of nuts but guess what?!
Cashew nuts are among the best nuts that increase dopamine and serotonin.
And they aren’t the fattiest of nuts, by the way!
These tasty creamy nuts contain mood-balancing nutrients like vitamin B6. Magnesium, niacin and also tryptophan.
Vitamin B6 converts tryptophan into serotonin (the happy hormone). It also enables magnesium to easily enter into cells.
These two nutrients form a synergy that combats depression.
Research says eating a handful or two of cashew nuts a day gives you enough tryptophan to alter and boost your mood!
5. Brazil Nuts
And last but not least on this list of nuts that increase dopamine and serotonin is: brazil nuts!
Brazil nuts contain a boatload of selenium – in fact it contains all the selenium you need in one day.
Just one brazil nut contains 96 mcg of selenium, or 175% of the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake).
Most other nuts provide only 1 mcg of selenium on average.
Selenium is a powerful nutrient that has been shown to boost mood and mental performance.
Research suggests that increasing selenium intake might help improve your mood and reduce anxiety!
Eat only 3-4 brazil nuts a day because you don’t want to consume too much selenium.
Other Nuts that Increase Dopamine & Serotonin
- Peanuts
- Pistachios
When should you eat nuts
I’ve been eating 3 Brazil nuts/day for 3 weeks and have noticed a very much improved energy level. Not “run a 5k” level, but I actually am motivated to do everyday things that I struggled with previously.