FODMAPs are small molecules of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that may irritate the small intestine in people with IBS. Here we are looking at low FODMAP fruits for IBS that may be safe for you to consume.
Okay, I don’t know about you but eating fruits, especially a large amount can make me so bloated and uncomfortable.
That’s because they have insoluble fiber (especially the fruits with peels) which causes a lot of IBS discomfort deep in the digestive system.
So the problem comes in when you realize you can’t avoid fruits in your diet. You have to consume some kind of fruit to get some of the nutrients your body needs. That’s where this list of low FODMAP fruits for IBS comes here.
Feel free to peruse through and keep a note of what fruits may be IBS friendly.
6 Low FODMAP fruits for IBS

1. Papaya
Papaya is the one of the best low FODMAP fruits for IBS. Maybe it’s the best even – but that’s in my world. It doesn’t seem to give me bloating, constipation or discomfort.
That’s probably because it’s FODMAP friendly and it is high in soluble fiber, which is ideal for people with digestive troubles.
2. Pineapple
Rich in anti-inflammatory bromelain, pineapple is actually a healing fruit. Bromelain is also known to alleviate pain which can come in handy for fighting off abdominal pain related to digestive discomfort.
I usually take pineapple in juice form, with a pinch or two of turmeric – another inflammation-fighting ingredient.
3. Blueberries
These tiny superfoods are also among this small list of low FODMAP fruits for IBS. They don’t seem to cause IBS trouble when consumed.
Keep in mind they also contain active compounds known as anthocyanins that are amazing when it comes to boosting immunity, fighting cancer and soothing inflammation in the body.
Consider snacking on blueberries, adding them to yogurt or oatmeal and also juicing with them.
4. Kiwi
Did you know that kiwis are far more superior in their Vitamin C content than oranges? One medium sized kiwi contains 79% of the daily value of Vitamin C we need.
Aside from that, it’s also a FODMAP friendly fruit for IBS sufferers. This study shows that kiwi actually improves bowel function in IBS.
It is immensely helpful for those with constipation dominant IBS so eat up, guys!
5. Oranges
Now oranges may be a tricky fruit for some people with IBS because it contains a lot of citric acid. It may irritate you so take care before you consume a lot of it.
Some people may find juicing with oranges may not be as bad as eating slices of them, since juicing removes the fiber. Keep in mind it’s particularly rich in soluble fiber. And with IBS, we are trying to avoid insoluble fiber like the one found in fruits with peels like apples.
You may try juicing with oranges. If you suffer from IBS constipation, then oranges may help.
6. Strawberries
Move over blueberries! Another berry that may be good for those with IBS is strawberries!
They are also high in Vitamin C. Strawberries are also shown to have no FODMAPS when they were tested and they are low in fructose which can worsen IBS symptoms.
You can snack on them, make smoothies and use as a food topping, et cetera!

Make sure to consume the above low FODMAP fruits for IBS in moderation. More than a serving or two of fruit a day may cause symptoms like bloating. Thanks for reading. Are there any other fruits that have shown you no troubles? Share below!
I have problems with diarrhoea I have IBS and I’m a diabetic and sometimes i have a problem with low iron levels please can you help me with the best type of food I can eat.
Hello Elaine,
Here’s a good list of top 8 foods to eat with IBS. I hope it helps you manage your symptoms better! Also see this resource which I love for low iron levels ( I also suffered from this), 4 Healthy Smoothies for Low Iron All the best and take care lovely <3
Much appreciation for you clear recommendations and explanations for 6 Fruits Mix IBS (Constipation and Diarrhea) sufferers like myself can consume as I am a diabetic who no longer needs medication for Diabetes and High Cholesterol – being under control with a Vegan Diet.
It’s tough being a vegan as FODMAP is prevalent in almost all vegetables and fruits which form my main diet for almost 12 years ! But I will not consider including animal products in my diet for ethical reasons and to subject myself for worse health consequences ie the 3 Highs, Strokes, Cancer, Dementia etc all related to animal products consumption,