We have heard so many good things about green tea already. But you’re here because you’re wondering, ‘Is green tea good for fertility?’ Well, let’s find out in this post!

Green Tea’s Effect on Fertility
Green tea is a popular health drink that originated from Japan. It’s the most consumed beverage in Japan.
Unlike black tea that is made from fermented tea leaves, green tea is made from fresh tea leaves.
It contains an important fertility-boosting nutrient, the B-vitamin folate. Folate is the natural form of folic acid, a supplement which doctors prescribe to women trying to conceive and those who are pregnant.
Not to mention, green tea is also full of powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols.
Polyphenols offer protection from scavenging free radicals that damage cells by stealing oxygen from them. They also reduce inflammation and promote proper circulation of blood in the body.
The activity of polyphenols may also affect ovulation and fertility in women. However, whether the results are all positive, we don’t know because researchers haven’t yet studied them.
Research Showing Green Tea May Be Bad for Fertility
On the internet, you may have come across someone saying green tea is not good for fertility.
Or that excessive consumption of green tea may negatively affect your fertility, because of a certain research.
However, the research was not tested on human fertility but rather the effect of green tea on the development and reproduction in fruit flies.
Up to date, there isn’t any studies conducted to find out whether or not green tea has a negative impact on fertility.
We can’t compare whether overconsumption of green tea would have the same impact on humans as it does on fruit flies.
However, the findings of the study warn to exercise caution when drinking green tea in high doses.
Can Green Tea Regulate your Periods?
Green tea is said to have an effect on female hormones. However, there is no research that specifically observes green tea’s effects on the menstrual cycle.
A 2002 report in Food and Chemical Toxicology showed that green tea extracts (catechins) inhibit a certain enzyme called aromatase that boosts estrogen in rats.
The study indicates that green tea may possibly lower estrogen levels and make your periods come faster.
But again, this study was conducted on rats not on humans, so it is unclear whether it would affect humans the same way.
The Conclusion: Is Green Tea Good for Fertility?
Green tea remains to be one of the top drinks for health. It has a variety of benefits including:
- Lowering cancer risks
- Assisting in weight loss
- Preventing type 2 diabetes
- Keeping your heart healthy
- Fighting free radical activity
- Repairing worn out muscles
- And more
Regarding fertility, it’s not specifically proven that green tea can help you conceive.
Drinking one cup or two cups of green tea a day is unlikely to do you any harm.
However, note that green tea does contain caffeine, which is a stimulant and too much of it may not be ideal especially when you are trying to conceive.
5 Teas Good for Fertility
On the other hand, there are teas which are well-known to be good for fertility issues.
Anecdotal evidence shows that many women have used them to conceive faster.
You can take these for their fertility-enhancing properties:
- Pink Stork fertility tea
- Fertilitea
- Cysterhood fertility tea
- Moontime fertility tea
- Gardens by Grace Fertility Herbal Tea.
Check out the article below for more information on these teas: Top 5 Herbal Teas to Increase Fertility
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