Tired of waking up to the same old day, same old routine? Why not switch it up a bit? Learn how to mix up your routine in 10 easy and fun ways!

How to Mix Up Your Routine in 10 Ways
1. Style your Hair Differently
It doesn’t matter how long your hair is – styling it in a different way can make you feel like a whole other person! There are so many hairstyles you can try including Dutch braids, fishtail plait, cornrows and more!
If you think braids are too elaborate, then you can get yourself new hair accessories like cute scrunchies, hair ties and others!
For short hair, try head bands, hair bands, butterfly clips, claw clips etc!
Even if it’s as simple as changing the way you normally part your hair, donning a new hair look can make a whole difference in the way you feel.
2. Redecorate your Study Table
A study table is an essential part of a teens room. We all have to study, do homework, complete assignments and use the laptop.
Making your study table a nice clean and neat place to work on is a must!
If you want to redecorate, think about placing a LED letter lightbox, getting a nice pencil case and a cute pencil holder.
There are lots of more desk accessories you can place on your study table to make it organised and motivating to sit at!
3. Wear an Outfit you Don’t Wear Often
Even if you’re at home, try throwing on something other than what you usually wear. Instead of pajamas, wear something else!
Spice up your wardrobe for the day because wearing clothes you look good in can make you feel good!
Some people feel inspired when they wear professional clothes when doing school work or job related work when they are at home. It puts them in the mood to be motivated and work harder.
4. Make a Body Sugar Scrub
Making your own skin care products is something that is so exciting, trust me!
It also feels like your giving your skin extra TLC because your making something with ingredients you know and that are good for your body!
A sugar scrub is one of the easiest self-care products you can make at home.
I have a simple yet amazing recipe here:
DIY sugar scrub idea: Pour one cup of fine white sugar in a large bowl and add ½ cup of any oil of your choice – you can use coconut oil or olive oil. Mix everything up to form your very own homemade sugar scrub! Scoop it into a mason jar or air-tight container. To use, get a suitable amount and scrub it over wet skin in the shower, then rinse off.
Note: To make it smell better, you can add and mix in no more than 10 drops of lavender essential oil or a few teaspoons of dried lavender buds!
5. Try a New Recipe You Find Online
Many teens love making something tasty when they’re craving a snack and there’s none at home.
If you don’t know how to cook, you can get the help of an adult and create a recipe you saw online!
There’s lots of things to make like cinnamon buns, Mac and cheese, different flavoured ramen, potato wedges and more!
6. Watch a Movie or Series in a Different Language
Have you ever tried watching something on Netflix in a different language other than English? It can be a nice change if there’s nothing nice to watch on TV.
I recommend watching K-Drama series on Netflix! There’s lots of dramas you may love and binge on! Here are some K-Dramas teens can watch:
- Nightmare High
- Extraordinary You
- Who are You: School 17
- Extra-Curricular
- It’s Okay to Not be Okay
- And more!
Also, watch anime! There are several amazing anime to watch that can get rid of your boredom and make you feel you’re in another world! Some recommendations:
- High school DxD
- My Hero Academia
- Fruits Basket
- Bleach
- Hunter x Hunter
- Ghosts at School
- Vampire Knight
- and others!
7. Apply A DIY Hair Mask Treatment
You can also pamper and show love to your beautiful hair!
Try making your own DIY hair mask treatment. It can be a simple yet nourishing mask to make your hair feel soft and grow healthier.
DIY hair mask idea: Into a bowl, add ¼ cup of thick unflavored unsweetened yogurt and 1 tsp of honey. Mix everything together then apply it on dry scalp and hair over a sink. Make sure to wear an old T-shirt to prevent spoiling your clothes. Let the hair mask sit for about 20 minutes then rinse it off in the shower and shampoo as usual. When your hair dries, it’ll feel and look soft and lovely!
8. Put on a Nice Smelling Lotion After a Shower
Another thing to do to mix up your routine is stock up on a lovely lotion or body cream!
Rub a nice-scented lotion or body cream all over your body after toweling off. Your skin will love that extra moisture! You can do this after your shower before bed, your skin will feel so smooth and soft.
You will great because you’re taking care of your body!
9. Wear a Little Makeup for Fun
Wearing makeup is not a necessity but it’s a fun activity to do to mix up your routine, especially if you don’t usually wear makeup.
Experiment with different makeup looks or try on a new lip gloss or eye shadow. It’s very fun and you may love the new look you created!
Simply wearing a new lip gloss can make you feel amazing and ready to take on the day!
10. Watch the Sunrise or Sunset
Even if you’re not a fan of waking up early, getting up just to look at the sunrise can be something so exciting to mix up your routine!
Try it. You can put an alarm, wake up at sunrise and watch the gentle sun rays rising above. It’s such a calm and peaceful experience. If you can’t see the sun where you are, then not to worry, simply being up at dawn is a different experience that can light up a mundane daily routine that you got bored of.
Same goes for sunset! Take a moment and sit out and watch the sun sink or sky change during sunset. It’s a different sort of vibe!
That’s it! Thanks for reading the article, ‘How to Mix Up Your Routine for Teens.’ Are there any other tips you have for spicing up a daily routine? Share in the comments below!
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