You’ve probably noticed this latest trend circling on the internet – rosemary water for hair growth! Well, how do you make this rosemary water and how does it benefit hair growth? Please read on to find out.

Benefits of Rosemary Water for Longer Thicker Hair
- Strengthens hair follicles to produce fortified hair strands
- Fights dandruff
- Reduces inflammation on the scalp
- Helps soothe conditions like scalp eczema and scalp psoriasis.
- Nourishes the hair follicles with hair growth nutrients
- Controls an excessive oily scalp
- Protects the hair cuticle from damage
- Promotes thicker hair growth
- Makes your hair volumized and shiny
- Stimulates blood circulation on the scalp
How to Make Rosemary Water for Hair Growth
So, here’s the procedure!
Note: The mint is totally optional!
What You Need
- 1-3 cups filtered water
- 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (where to get it)
- A handful of rosemary or 1 tbsp dried rosemary leaf (where to get it)
- A handful of mint or 1 tbsp dried mint leaf (where to get it) *optional
- A saucepan
- Stove
- Spray bottle (where to get it)
- Small funnel for transferring (where to get it)
- Boil water in a pan over the stove.
- Add a handful of rosemary and mint leaves and turn down the heat.
- Let the leaves simmer for 15-20 minutes.
- When it has cooled down, mix in 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Pour into a spray bottle using the funnel. And now it’s ready for use!
DIY Rosemary Hair Rinse for Hair Growth Video
DIY Rosemary Hair Growth Spray Video
Ways to Use Rosemary Water for Hair
- Hair Growth Spray – Store your rosemary water in a hair spray bottle. It’s easy and fun to apply it this way on your hair. It doesn’t matter if you use a fine mist bottle or any spritzer bottle.
- Hair Rinse – After you shampoo and condition your hair (I recommend using a natural sulfate-free anti-hair thinning shampoo and conditioner set), pour rosemary water slowly over your scalp and hair. Do not rinse off again with water. The point is to let the solution stay on your scalp until you next wash your hair.
How Often to Use Rosemary Water for Hair Growth

Here’s your answer: How Often Should You Use Rosemary Water on your Hair?
There is no strict answer for this, but one thing is clear – you should use rosemary water regularly and consistently to see hair growth results.
Since people love a rosemary hair growth spray, you can spray it all over your scalp and hair length, after a shower as a leave-in.
One of the best ways to use this rosemary water for hair growth is as a hair growth rinse. What you need to do is first wash your hair very well. You might want to use a natural sulfate-free hair growth shampoo and conditioner!
Then pour the rosemary hair rinse on your scalp and hair length gently while massaging your scalp. Leave it on for a couple of minutes while you wash the rest of your body, then rinse off. However, you can also leave it on your hair without rinsing off, as a leave-in, which I love to do.
I hope you’ve got a clue on how to make rosemary water for hair growth! Are you ready to try it out? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
I love the info.
But It is a wrong thought you can catch a cold from wet hair. A cold comes from a virus not from wet hair. That has been proven a long time ago
AND YET, the stress of a chill can allow a virus to more easily take hold. Besides, chills are nasty on this own.
Catching a cold because of a wet head is an old wives tale. It is a virus.
Can you use it on dyed hair
Hi Moyra, It’s probably safe although it’s said that rosemary rinse can darken your hair (and hide greys) if used regularly for a long period of time. So unless you have bleached hair, i think it’s okay. <3
Recommend using a tinted glass sprayer or à mason jar with a lid.
Mine spoiled in the fridge after about 2 weeks at room temp it would be sooner . Do not use the rice water formula.
Hello! How long can the remaining rosemary water in the sprayer be kept without spoiling? Must I keep it refrigerated?
Yes, it must be refrigerated. That way it’ll last for days.
I’m losing bunches of hair. Will this help? No one seems to be able to tell me why except probably genetics. But both of my parents had good hair. Please help!
Hi Sue, please give this a go! I consider rosemary to be one of the best herbs for hair growth! All the best, lovely! I hope your hair falls stops and you grow new thicker and longer hair. Don’t worry hun, natural remedies can help when used consistently when all seems to not be working. Take care xx
Vitamin A is a must for your problem you have weak immunity you must talk to your doctor but I’m sure these treatment will be very good
I had the same issue. Did you happen to have Covid… I was losing balls of hair after each shower. Terribly depressing. I found that this was a long covid side effect🤬. After about 4 months it finally stopped but I also did alot of natural vitamins and black seed oil orally. My hair finally started growing back and I will try this as well. Good luck and hope this helps.
I have long Covid and after getting all shots and venturing out, I caught Covid again and was hospitalized. Since then I have hair loss, I’m going to give this a try! I already have very fine thin hair.
I have the same issue due to Long Covid and it has been traumatizing. I have always considered my hair to be among my best features, and now it is wiry, sticky and basically ugly. I have tried everything, but I relate to the balls of hair in the shower and towel…I just tried a PRP treatment on my scalp that should jump start the regrowth. Also Nutrafol, Collagen, Foltes, Rogaine…it is a new full-time job….
Docs are saying 6 months after covid there’s hair loss in many people. Then magically it starts growing back, unless it’s lowered estrogen menopause.
I like the idea of helping it along either way!
That’s precisely what happened to me & I read it’s especially prevalent in women who experienced high fever with Covid. I’ve had it twice & just hit 41 so some could be hormonal 🙂
You may want to consider having your thyroid antibodies checked. An underactive thyroid affect your hormones. Hashimotos thyroiditis is one of many autoimmune disorders that can cause hair thinning or loss.
Also if you have had covid mass hair loss is a side effect. About 6 months after i had covid i started losing hair like crazy. Did hours and hours of research and pretty much came to the conclusion it is from covid. Hoping it stops soon and thankful i have super thick hair….that was the driving force for me looking into rosemary (and other) tonics for hair.
Hi, I am 55+female with hypothyroidism. Was having hair fall making the top of head scalp show.
I used fenugreek seeds to stop hairfall almost overnight. I do use Rosemary water as it grows hair like this article says. I want to share that in addition to everything said here I used the seeds to get best result for me. If u wish to try, here is my sharing.
1 tsp fenugreek seeds in 1/2c room temperature filtered water. Add few leaves of dry or fresh crushed rosemary. Soak overnight covered. Not refridgerated.
Morning stir it and strain it. Apply the water to scalp with cotton, fingers or spray. Let dry it is not greasy or sticky but silky and smooth, then wash after a hr or more with shampoo and condition.
Can be left in hair for over night or days. It has some smell so brave it for results. Can do whenever and as many times but leave in for not more than 2 days before wash.
The soaked seeds I grind to ketchup consistency and apply to wet detangled scalp as mask. Leave for 30-45 min cover with cap to avoid drying. Then wash with the mention kind of shampoo conditioner. Using NOT hot water but room temp. Hot water will open pores and have hair fall out.
Do once a month but not more than twice a month.
My hair was brittle, rough, knotting and breaking easily . Now it is smoother, silkier, has a healthy shine and detangled and grew. Been using it for 2 months. Hair fall stopped the next day for me. I am very happy to have this remedy. This article has added to the better results.
I have low porosity hair. Best of luck!
A couple of questions for you.
1. How soon before I should start to see results?
2. On the days I don’t wash my hair I like to get it wet for better manageability. Should I use rosemary water daily then for better results?
Hi Joyce,
Thanks for asking these questions!
1. You will start to see results starting from 3-4 weeks of consistent use!
2. Yes, since you wet your hair daily, you can use the rosemary water in place of just plain water/any other liquid you use to get it wet. This way, you get to incorporate this hair growth booster more frequently in your hair routine!
Hope this helps! <3
Can I use mousse or gel after the rosemary application?
Hi Joan, yes you can! 🙂
Does it leave a smell in your hair? Has this really worked for anyone?
Rosemary essential oil is one of my favorites to use in the diffuser- would it work in a spray too (diluted with water)? I don’t want to make my hair all greasy, wondering if you’ve tried it…
Hi Abby, yes of course i’ve tried it! I also LOVE the crisp herbal scent of rosemary in the diffuser OMIGOSH! You can totally dilute it with water & vegetable glycerin/aloe vera gel and use it as a spray! Thanks for commenting & take care darling <3
Thank you for this great hair treatment spray! Recently, I tried a recipe found on YouTube using Castor Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil, and Peppermint Oil. I don’t like how greasy it makes my hair which would require daily shampooing that is not recommended. That’s why I like your recipe better and can’t wait to try it. I got professional highlights dome about 7 months ago that was over-processed which damaged my hair resulting in extreme dryness from end to about 4 inches from scalp!:( I have been nursing my hair back to health since then with K18 which helped a little but too many chemicals which lead me to search for a more natural remedy.
1. Is it safe to apply heating tools (blow dry, curling iron) with the vegetable glycerin/aloe vera gel, and rosemary essential oil? Will it create more damage?
2. Is it more potent to use dried rosemary or fresh?
3. Do you have another hair recipe that will help restore extremely dry hair strands from over-processing?
Hi Liz, you’re so welcome! To answer your questions,
1. I don’t think using a blow dryer on your hair after applying veg glycerin/aloe gel and rosemary oil will create more damage. But I would recommend adding a carrier oil onto the mix to help seal the moisture from those ingredients so the heat won’t dry out your hair & create frizziness and frayed hair strands.
2. I personally feel that dried rosemary is more potent than fresh, but both are okay!
3. A hair recipe for restoring extremely dry hair strands from over-processing? I usually use hair masks. I have a top hair masks post on the blog which uses avocado + mayonnaise + coconut oil + honey + rosemary eo + peppermint eo + lavender eo. One absolutely buttery beautiful hair mask i LOVE for moisturizing & conditioning dry frizzy hair is avocado + spirulina + water + coconut oil + apple cider vinegar + avocado oil + rosemary eo + peppermint eo + lavender eo. The full recipe is here.
I have made this and it works great on my hair.My hair doesn’t fall out like it did.Its growing back and it covers the Gray hair some.I love this!!!
This is so wonderful to hear, Linda! Thank you so much for sharing, darling <3
I thought it’s not good to leave ACV in your hair?
Why not? It’s only a tiny amount so it won’t do any harm 🙂
I’m allergic to apples and found out the hard way that I cannot use apple cider at all (get hives). Will white vinegar or squeezed lemon juice work as well? Or can I just leave the apple cider out?
Hi Lenny, make & use without the vinegar. I haven’t experimented with white vinegar or lemon juice, so I can’t tell you if those are good options to add! Be safe & take care <3
Can I use dry rosemary
Yes, you definitely can! Love you <3
I will definitely try this, a few months after I got the Covid shots I started loosing my hair, I lost about half of it. I checked a few months after it started to see if it could be a side effect of the vaccine, it specifically said no if you are experiencing hair loss it was the stress of the lockdowns, I live in the country and never was stressed. A few months ago I looked it up again and they did admit that hair loss is a side effect of the vaccine. So, not just Covid causes hair loss, the vaccine does too.
So I made this and started it on Sunday. I have the spray and the rinse. I read somewhere to do the rinse only 1-2 times per week, is it still ok to use the spray all in the same day or is that over doing it? I can’t find that answer anywhere.
Hi Nicole, using the spray all in the same day may work if you have thick hair that can benefit from a lot of moisture, so you can mist the spray throughout the day. I usually use the spray every day on my scalp & hair but not using the whole spray bottle in the same day. The spray can go for 7-10 days when used daily, of course keep it refrigerated. I hope this helps! Take care! <3
I have fine hair , I can’t wait to use this, but I have a question. After I put the rinse on can I put mousse on my hair and style it as usual?
Yes, you can Sharon 🙂
Do we Dump the rosemary on our head or put it in a spray bottle? I’m a little confused 😕
Kayla, I would use cheesecloth or a very fine mesh strainer when pouring the mixture from the pan to a bottle.
I need to make this some family members.
Been using rosemary water for about a month and already see a huge difference.My hair is slowly growing back.
I’d like to try this but I have silvery white hair. I don’t want my color to get drabby. Any solution?