Cord cutting is an intense ritual that one must try if dealing with someone/something in your life that you want to sever ties from. Learn all about how to do cord cutting with candles properties in this post!

What is Cord Cutting?
In basic terms, it means destroying the subconscious energy link between you and someone.
Imagine someone you are attached to in a certain way – it could be through family ties, a love interest, partner, friend, coworker, boss or even a stranger who is bothering you in some form.
There is some invisible ‘cord’ that is binding you to them, which is causing you to be connected.
This cord may be normal, good or – bad. When it’s a bad tie, you’ll automatically know. You get feelings of anxiety, disturbance, annoyance, fear or anger thinking about them. You want those feelings to go or you want them to be gone from your life. You want to stop being pressed by that person or the feelings they stir in you. You want their negative energy gone from your life.
So, what you need to do is cut the cord between you and that person. By so doing, you’re telling your subconscious to let go of any attachment to that person.
After the cord cutting ritual is done, you’ll notice events happening where the person will distance from you or you will not be in their life or thoughts anymore.
You two may physically move from each other or distance yourselves mentally. Either way, the cord between you will be broken and you won’t be bothered by them like you were anymore.
What is the Purpose of Cord Cutting?

There are countless reasons why you should do cord cutting. Many people have their own motives for doing the ritual. What matters the most is your intention – you want to break free of the ties and energies holding you to a certain person or situation.
Here are some of the major purposes of cord cutting:
- To remove negativity from your life
Some people or situations are toxic. They bring negativity to your life yet you want positivity or even just peace. Cord cutting helps you get rid of negative vibes that are weighing you down.
You may be in a relationship where the person, be it a friend or family wants you to lose and be in a bad place in life. They may want to control you and keep you low, preventing you from reaching your dreams and goals which will make you happy.
You may do cord cutting to manifest that toxicity gone from your life.
- To get closure
Your partner ghosted you without any reason and it’s eating up your mind. You keep thinking about all the whys and scramble for some sort of closure so you can move on.
Sometimes there is no closure and if you go looking for one, you’ll feel like you’re the crazy one who can’t let it go.
So, do cord cutting with you and that person. This will be your closure so you can finally put an end to that chapter and have the mental peace you want
- To invite positivity in your life
Think of cord cutting like you’re doing a sage cleanse of your room. You’re trying to get rid of bad entities and evil that are invading your space and blocking blessings.
Cord cutting can help you say enough is enough to useless and harmful people, events and thoughts and bring a fresh new happy positive breath into your life.
- To liberate yourself
Sometimes we get hurt by other people and feel like the world has collapsed on us and we can’t move on. We start sabotaging ourselves and getting into bad habits like bingeing and other addictions to overcome the pain.
Liberate yourself from the unfair thing a person or event did to you by doing cord cutting to finally break the shackles and get justice for yourself!
- To move on
Cord cutting can also be used to mark a new era. An era of letting go of your past baggage, whether it’s a person you’re hung up on, a regret you have, someone who wronged you and an unfair situation that happened to you.
Feel the feelings. Let out your emotions. Do the ritual. Cut the cord and simply move on with your life.
How to Do Cord Cutting with Candles

Caution: Be very careful when handling flames and fire!
What you need
- 2 candles, preferably different colored
- A small rope
- A pair of scissors to cut off the excess ends of the rope
- Lighter
- Heat safe plate
- Herbs such as rosemary, cloves and others
- Salt
- Safety pin or pocket knife to carve out names on the candle
- Baking soda to put out flames if they get out of control
- Get a heat-safe plate to place your candles on.
- Carve your name on one candle and the name of the person or situation or trauma on the other candle. The situation/trauma can be something like you getting dumped or an event you don’t want to happen to you, let’s say divorce.
- Using a lighter, safely heat both ends of the candles to liquefy the wax so you can stick the candles on the plate.
- Stick the candles on the plate, at a good distance apart.
- Now tie a sturdy small rope between the two candles, using a pair of scissors to cut off the extra ends of the rope.
- Onto the plate, you can add salt and other herbs such as protection herbs like rosemary or cloves.
- The final step is to light the candles.
- Watch them burn while envisioning yourself being set free from the person/event.
- Be sure to not leave the candles burning unattended.
- You will see the candles burning and the flame reaching the rope and burning it away.
- The candle melting first means that person is letting go first.
- If your flames get out of control or too intense, put them out using baking soda.
Top 6 Powerful Cord Cutting Spells to Try
Here are some of the cord cutting spells I have done. For real, cord cutting is so powerful. All of the people who I did cord cutting ritual on are out of my life and cut off forever! It’s kind of creepy. They have disappeared from my life. And I’m talking about close people like parents, siblings and close relatives.
That’s why I want to put a caution out there: only do this if and ONLY IF you want these people or events out of your life FOR GOOD because it works. Mine took 3 months to work and boy did they work completely.
1 – Cord Cutting with a Misogynistic Father
Imagine living with a head of the household who stifled you, kept you down because you’re a female, did not want you to get a job or be independent or drive a car. Only wanted you to get married of a man of his choice and be a quiet obedient traditional wife and young mother?
Not to mention the misogynistic comments and bad faces he used to make just because you were a daughter and not a son.
This is for those who want to cut ties with their misogynistic male gene donor.
2 – Cord Cutting with an Evil Relative
An evil aunt who ever since she got married to your uncle, only wanted your downfall. She rules her man and everyone around her with an iron fist.
Literally proclaimed herself to be a ‘queen’ and strolled around like one. She never failed to put you down, bully you and spread bad rumors about you.
She tries to copy your style, way of speaking and way of dressing. She flirts around with all the men in your life. There’s no making this up. You want this witch gone from your life.
3 – Cord Cutting with a Toxic Sibling
Has anyone ever had a sibling who was the golden child? She is favored by your parents and relatives. But she tells you she’s been the outcast her whole life.
You feel sorry for her and advocate for her to your parents and other siblings. Get her up in life, help her with a job.
Suddenly, one day, she gangs up with your other sibling, painting a bad picture of you and stops talking to you for a whole year even when you begged and cried to her to not show you the silent treatment and passive aggressive because you were literally her roommate.
She ignored you when you were got a medical emergency and started bleeding out on the floor.
The hurt is too much and the pain is unbearable. It’s time to let go of such toxic individuals. Blood isn’t thicker than water sometimes.
4 – Cord Cutting with Your Past Self or Self-Love Cord Cutting
This is a different kind of cord cutting. It’s between your past self and your current self. I did this for a client who wanted to shed her old ways and emerge out as a new fresh good version of herself. This new version of herself no longer binged on food when she was depressed, exercised regularly, took care of her body and didn’t procrastinate on her job or hobbies.
Do self- love cord cutting to end the old you and bring new life to the fresh and best ideal of yourself.
5 – Cord Cutting with an Ex-Partner
Most people do cord cutting to break ties with an ex-boyfriend or husband.
He could have been an abusive piece of dung who treated you worse than dirt and is still in your life harassing you.
Or, he ended things between you and you want to heal/get closure/move on.
Whatever the case, do cord cutting with an ex-partner so you can have your sanity back and be the cute chirpy girlie minding your own life and treating yourself right. No one can treat you right as best as you can :.)
6 – Cord Cutting with a Covert Narc Mom
A convert narc who’s your mom? There’s nothing more soul-crushing than this. If you want to put a stop to this mind blowing madness, you can try cord cutting for some release.
You have reached the end of the article, how to do the cord cutting with candles. If you have any questioning regarding cord cutting or if you want me to do one for you or want me to interpret your cord cutting, please leave a comment below! Thank you lovelies and I wish you all the best ✨
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