Anxiety is a common issue affecting almost everyone today. Here are the top 10 habits that make anxiety worse. By knowing these habits, we can try to avoid unhealthy habits that can be very damaging to us!

10 Habits that Make Anxiety Worse
1. Eating too much chocolate
Chocolate is a comforting treat that can soothe you. Many people even crave chocolate when stressed or on our period.
However, you shouldn’t eat too much of it if you have anxiety.
This is because aside from the high sugar content that can cause blood sugar spikes and falls that trigger anxiety, chocolate (especially the dark kind) also contains caffeine in it. Too much caffeine is known to increase anxiety.
2. Drinking several cups of coffee a day
A cup or two of coffee energizes you for the day but constantly feeling your cup will give you a caffeine overload.
Have you ever had heart palpitations and get restless after drinking too much coffee? That’s because of its caffeine content.
Limit drinking caffeine and see how your anxiety levels reduce.
3. Not drinking enough water
Being hydrated is key to keeping your mental health thriving.
Water makes up a large percent of the body and is necessary for healthy functioning of cells.
Not drinking enough water leads to elevated heart rate and lightheadedness which are both symptoms of anxiety. Dehydration can trigger anxiety attacks and panic attacks so keep a bottle of water near you always!
4. Spending a lot of time on social media
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have been shown to increase anxiety and depression in people.
It’s not a surprise since a lot of information on social media can be triggering and even toxic.
Many people with anxiety tend to delete/deactivate social media accounts which may be a wise move if you suffer from impulsive and addictive checking of specific accounts.
5. Never exercising
Exercising is generally a good thing to do for your general health, let alone your mental health. Regular exercise releases endorphins and other feel good hormones.
Studies have shown that not exercising or being sedentary all day can increase feelings of anxiety.
You don’t have to do intensive workouts every day. Taking a walk, doing 15 minutes speed walking on the treadmill, dancing or swimming is an easy and fun way to exercise.
6. Drinking alcohol excessively
People with anxiety actually tend to drink more alcohol to get rid of their uneasy or anxious state of mind.
However, this is detrimental because it ends up triggering long term anxiety and make them more prone to anxiety symptoms.
7. Staying up late
Not getting enough sleep can make your anxiety worse. So, make sure you at least put in 5-8 hours of sleep each night for an adult.
If you have insomnia you can try natural remedies like chamomile/lavender or get professional treatment to fix your sleep schedule.
8. Always checking your phone
Smart phones can be a distraction from the real world but then it becomes bad when you develop a habit of constantly checking for notifications or messages.
We’ve all been there – whether we are checking for messages from someone or constantly refreshing a page to see if there’s anything new.
Not to mention, seeing notifications actually gives a small boost of dopamine, making it addictive to constantly check for them.
This actually increases stress levels in the long run, which can trigger anxiety.
9. Skipping meals
Not eating properly is bad for you, everyone knows this. But people with anxiety can make their symptoms worse by skipping nutritious meals.
Starving or foregoing food causes a dip in your blood sugar levels which crashes your energy and mood.
Don’t forget to eat nutritious foods like whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats like yogurt, etc and not just anything you find in the fridge.
10. Staying inside all the time
Staying inside is not a negative thing. In fact, those of us with social anxiety thrive having alone time.
But being indoors for extended periods of time can make your social anxiety worse. It’s like you forget how to interact with people or how to just exist in the outside world.
Go outside from time to time whether it’s for a walk or to the store.
By knowing these bad habits that make anxiety worse, we can get into a routine to help us adopt healthy habits that keep anxiety at bay! Please share any other habits that make anxiety worse so we can avoid them!
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