I’ve talked about the benefits of chlorella for hair before and now it’s time to put the spotlight on the crazy good benefits of chlorella for skin!

The green superfood chlorella is abundant in nutrients your skin loves! It is rich in chlorophyll, that gives it its deep green color.
Chlorella also contains a lot of protein, iron, calcium and vitamins such as Vitamin A (in form of beta carotene), B12, C, E and K!
You can benefit from chlorella for skin by adding it to your diet – in form of capsules or chlorella powder added to smoothies and juices.
Another way to use chlorella for skin is by making a face mask with it! All you need to do is mix about 1 tsp of chlorella powder with enough water to form a paste then slather it on your face!
Without further ado, let’s look at 5 major benefits of chlorella for skin, shall we?
5 Benefits of Chlorella for Skin

1. Detoxify your Skin
Chlorella is popularly known for its detoxifying properties. When consumed, it helps eliminate heavy metals including mercury and nickel from the body.
By removing toxins from the body, it helps detoxify the skin as well from the inside-out.
When harmful wastes are not purged from the body, they may end up being expelled from the skin as pus-filled acne or inflammatory skin conditions.
2. Say Buh-Bye to Acne
As we saw above, chlorella is a great detoxifier which cleanses the whole system from the inside.
By doing so, it minimizes the chances of wastes being released through the skin in form of boils, acne and other cutaneous manifestations.
3. Faster Wound Healing
One of the most unique benefits of chlorella for skin is that it stimulates the production of collagen in skin and speeds up cell regeneration.
This means damaged skin cells have a faster chance of recovering, revealing healthy skin underneath.
4. Iron Out Fine Lines & Wrinkles
Our skin can develop premature fine lines and wrinkles when exposed to harsh sunlight and pollution.
This provokes unstable molecules known as free radicals that steal oxygen from healthy skin cells to become stable. The skin cells then become deprived of oxygen which may then lead to premature aging.
Chlorella is anti-oxidant rich superfood. Eating it helps fight off these pro-aging free radicals!
5. Soothe Eczema, Psoriasis & Rosacea
Chlorella is abundant in anti-aging nutrients such as vitamin A, B, E, C and K as well as minerals like iron, calcium and amino acids. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids which heal inflammations.
Adding chlorella to your diet if you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, and other skin ailments can help a lot in reducing inflammation.
Where to Get Chlorella
Now that we know the benefits of chlorella for skin, you must be wondering where you can find good quality chlorella.
There are several brands out there – just make sure to get organic chlorella with broken cells walls. You can try Anthony’s Non-GMO organic chlorella powder.
Or, if you want it in tablets form, try Now Foods organic chlorella (200 tablets).
Chlorella is super good for your skin! Hope you found this info on 5 benefits of chlorella for skin useful!
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