Are you a beginner in the mystical and powerful world of crystals? Yay! I got you, baby! I’m here to share with you the top 25+ crystals you should have in your home & their benefits and affirmations to use!
Best Crystals You Should Have in Your Home & Their Benefits and Affirmations to Use
1. Amethyst
Amethyst is at the top of this list of 25 best crystals you should have in your home! Yes, it’s the number one crystal everyone should own.
Amethyst is a beautiful purple stone that can vary from pale lavender to deep purple.
It has a calming and soothing effect which is why it’s recommended for meditation, relaxation and focus.
- Color: Light to dark purple
- Birthstone: February
- Meaning: Clearing negativity and promoting peace & calm
- Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
- Number: Vibrates to 3
- Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
- Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces, Dragon
- Elements: Metal, Wood
- Origin: Worldwide, including Brazil, Bolivia, India, Russia, Uruguay, Zambia
- Where to Place: Bedroom: nightstand, under the bed or under the pillow, kitchen, living Room
- Great beginner’s stone
- Purifies any space of negative vibrations
- Promotes restful sleep
- Inner peace
- Promotes a calm sense of mind
- Clears unnecessary mind clutter
- The beautiful purple color evokes strong healing powers
- Cools down excessive emotions
- Enhances intuition
- Powerful tool for decision making
- Develop spiritual wisdom
- Stress and anxiety relief
- Helps those with addiction
- Gives courage
- Helps those with migraines
- Boosts immunity
Amethyst Affirmations
- I am balanced mind, body and soul
- I let go of attachments and rest in truth
Where to Buy Amethyst Geodes
Where to Buy Amethyst Clusters
Where to Buy Amethyst Tumbled Stones
2. Rose Quartz
Want to work on love, self-care and healing your heart? Rose quartz is the crystal for you.
I highly recommend it for promoting and maintaining self-love, which is the greatest and only love you really need.
Also known as the Love stone, rose quartz is a gentle soothing stone, good for forgiving yourself and/or others, healing heart break and having compassion for yourself and/or others.
Rose Quartz Properties
- Color: Translucent pale pink to deep pink
- Birthstone: January
- Meaning: Energy of love, calming and healing
- Chakra: Works with all chakras, but most especially heart and crown
- Number: Vibrates to 7
- Planet: Venus
- Zodiac: Rabbit, Taurus, Libra
- Elements: Earth
- Origin: Brazil, India, Japan, Madagascar, South Africa and United States
- Where to Place: in the heart of the home, south-west corner of the house, Bedroom, under your pillow
Rose Quartz Benefits
- Expands heart energy
- Increases self-worth
- Attracts all forms of love
- Helps with forgiveness
- For romance
- Overcoming heartbreak and betrayal
- Helps you learn to trust again
- Helps alleviate grief
- Boosts self-esteem
- Increases empathy to yourself and/or others
- Helps foster love between partners
- Brings you loving vibes from all around
- Banishes insecurities
- Relieves stress
- Brings a youthful complexion
- Helps bring healing to the thymus, heart and lungs
Rose Quartz Affirmations
- I deserve love and compassion
- I am beautiful from the inside and outside
- My skin is clear and glowing, my hair long and luscious
- I open my heart to give and receive love
- I am filled with loving compassion towards myself and others
- I surrender both my past and future, I live in the power of now
- I love and accept myself and others
Where to Buy Rose Quartz Puffy Hearts
Where to Buy Rose Quartz Tumbled Stones
3. Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is another one of the top crystals you should have in your home. It’s an excellent grounding stone and a powerful detoxifier of all negative energy!
- Light grayish-brown to deep black
- Highly protective, detoxifying and grounding
- Root chakra, found at the base of the spine
- Vibrates to 2 and 4
- Saturn
- Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn
- Earth
- Brazil, Madagascar, Scotland
- Near entrances and window sills, next to your bed, desk, living room, bathroom
- Highly protective and grounding
- Neutralizes negative energy within and around you
- Removes fear and lifts depression
- Promotes positive thoughts and actions
- Brings calmness
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Helps with healing and letting go
- Increases your vibration
- Acts as a shield from negativity
- Enhances survival instincts
- Getting your life in order
- Helps remove obstacles
- Aids in concentration
- Helps you settle into your body and feel like you belong here on planet Earth
- Removes mental and emotional blocks
- Said to help those quitting smoking
- EMF protection
- Pain relief
Smoky Quartz Affirmations
- I am divinely protected, guided and grounded
- I am grounded and rid of all negative energy
- I am clear, present and ready for action
Where to Buy Smoky Quartz Cluster
Where to Buy Smoky Quartz Tumbled Stones
Zentron Crystal Collection: Tumbled Smoky Quartz 1″ Pieces (1/2 Pound)
4. Citrine
One of the top crystals for happiness, citrine is a must-have! Whether it’s adding a touch of warmth and joy to your day, raising your self-worth and self-esteem or increasing wealth and abundance, this bright crystal offers it all!
- Color: Yellow, orange, brown
- Birthstone: November
- Meaning: Bring good vibes, raise energy levels and attract wealth and abundance into your world
- Chakra: All, especially 3rd chakra/solar plexus
- Number: Vibrates to 6
- Planet: Sun
- Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Rooster
- Elements: Fire, Earth
- Origin: Brazil, France, Madagascar, Russia, United Kingdom, United States
- Where to Place: South East corner of your home, center of your home, workstation, money safe, office desk
- Balances emotions
- Boosts creativity
- A crystal of happiness and joy
- Attracts abundance
- A stone of financial success
- Magnifies personal power
- Releases negativity, fear and anger
- Encourages wellness and vitality
- Uplifts the energy in your home
- Helps increase self-worth
- Invites prosperity and positivity into your work life
- Increase strength and confidence
- Transmutes, rather than absorbs, negative energy so does not need to be cleansed
Citrine Affirmations
- I am filled with abundance & creativity
- I will not stop until I’ve created the life I want
- I fully embrace my courage, confidence, success and self-worth
5. Jade
You’ve probably seen jade used as a popular material for making natural beauty tools like guashas and face rollers. That’s because it’s a well-known beautifying crystal that is also known as the stone of eternal youth. Jade also supports prosperity, harmony, well-being and the feeling of enjoying being alive.
- Color: Shades of green
- Birthstone: March
- Meaning: Purity, gentleness and abundance
- Chakra: Heart chakra
- Number: Vibrates to 11
- Planet: Mercury
- Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Libra
- Elements: Wood
- Origin: Mainly China, Russia, United States
- Where to Place: South East corner of your home or workplace, the bedroom
- Flushes out negative energy
- Brings calm, peace and serenity
- Draws good luck
- For longevity
- Promotes detoxification and renewal
- Increases love and nurturing
- Helps with protection
- Helps you trust in the abundance of the Universe
- Interrupts negative thought patterns
- Amulet for friendship and good relationships
- Promotes happiness
- Good for fertility
- Increases wisdom
Jade Affirmations
- I am supported by the abundance and vitality of the Earth
- I attract wealth, love and wisdom
- I am wealthy and prosperous in all areas of my life
Where to Buy Jade Palm Stone
Where to Buy Jade Tumbled Stones
6. Amazonite
This beautiful blue-green crystal is a stone of truth, harmony and peace. One of its special qualities is that it protects you from EMF radiation and pollution present in our surroundings emitted from cellphones, computers, Wi-fi, TV and other gadgets.
It is known to calm stress and lessen self-defeating behaviors by improving self-esteem.
- Color: Pale green to dark green to blue-green
- Meaning: The lucky hope stone, to bring good luck for all your hopes and dreams
- Chakra: Heart and throat chakra
- Number: Vibrates to 5
- Planet: Uranus
- Zodiac: Virgo
- Elements: Water
- Origin: Australia, Brazil, India, Namibia, Russia’s Ilmen Mountains, Tanzania, USA (Colorado).
- Where to Place: Bedroom, nightstand, under the pillow, near your computer, north area of your home/office
- Calms and soothes in times of stress
- Encourages truth and makes what we speak come true
- Protects against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves
- Boosts self-discipline
- Helps with effective communication
- Helps you let go of inner conflicts and to live a life with your principles
- Brings compassion
- Tempers aggression
- Helps you see both sides of a problem
- Helps one discover one’s own personal truth and integrity
- Improves self-esteem
- Has the power to draw wealth, prosperity and fortune
- Stimulates inspiration
- Calms the mind and nervous system
Amazonite Affirmations
- I can achieve anything I set my mind to
- I speak eloquently and lovingly, and I am heard
- I speak my heart’s truth for the highest good of all
- I am aligned with my highest truth, and speak it forth into the world
Where to Buy Raw Amazonite
Where to Buy Amazonite Tumbled Stones
7. Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is the master healer that amplifies the energy of any and all other crystals and gemstones. A good ‘all-purpose’ stone, clear quartz enhances the energy flow within your body and brings it to balance.
It’s a powerful stone that is also called the universal stone! Clear quartz teaches you to align your decisions based on your principles and goals in life.
Just looking at the perfect see-through crystal makes you feel amazed, balanced and refreshed!
- Color: Colorless (clear and transparent)
- Birthstone: April
- Meaning: Universal support, supports other crystals by amplifying their energy & effect
- Chakra: All chakras
- Number: Vibrates to 4
- Planet: Moon and sun
- Zodiac: All zodiac signs
- Elements: All elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
- Origin: Brazil, Madagascar, USA (Arkansas).
- Where to Place: Under the pillow, under the mattress, bedside table, fridge, pantry, bedroom, window sill, bathroom
- Clears your mind and body of any clutter
- It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy
- Draws off negative energy of all kinds
- Aids in concentration
- Strengthens alignment with the higher self to receive, transmit, store and amplify energy
- Cleanses the mind and body
- Unlocks memory
- Beneficial for meditation and healing work
Clear Quartz Affirmations
- I am supported by the universe to create what I truly desire
- Even though my mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, I choose to create moments of stillness to find strength and clarity
- My mind is clear, my heart is open, my soul is transforming
- My body is healing, I am in healthy in physical body and mind
- I am receiving all things love and light
Where to Buy Clear Quartz Mini Cluster
A6615 Gemqz Clear Quartz Crystal Mini Cluster
Where to Buy Clear Quartz ClusterWhere to Buy Clear Quartz Tumbled Stones
8. Tiger’s Eye
A gemstone of courage, tiger’s eye is a special crystal. It helps you release fear by giving you courage and headstrong determination to take action and move forward in life.
Tiger’s eye helps you remain grounded during times of stress.
It is believed to help you discover, and have confidence in your personal power and self-confidence.
- Color: A mix of yellow, golden, reddish brown
- Birthstone: June
- Meaning: Purposeful action
- Chakra: Sacral/solar plexus
- Number: Vibrates to 4
- Planet: Saturn
- Zodiac: Capricorn, Leo, Gemini
- Elements: Fire and Earth
- Origin: Australia, Brazil, Burma, Canada, China, India, Korea, Namibia, South Africa, Spain, United States (California and Arizona)
- Where to Place: East or south-east corner of your room/home, near the front door, bedroom, under your pillow
- Gives you resilience in overwhelming situations
- Helps you stay centered and practical
- Wards off negative energies
- Very protective in all aspects
- Enhances determination, patience, prosperity, willpower, practicality and confidence
- Helps one to see clearly
- Inspires creativity and stability
- One of the best crystals for resolving a crisis
- Increases vitality, strength and restores balance to the body on all levels
- Stabilizes mood swings
- Useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses
- Dispelling fear and anxiety
- Brings good luck
Tiger’s Eye Affirmations
- I am in alignment with my values, regardless of circumstances
- I embrace my personal power and use it wisely
- I act with confidence, strength, clarity and enthusiasm
- I am courageous, strong and powerful
- I am confident, motivated and passionate
Where to Get Tiger’s Eye Tumbled Stones
9. Malachite
Known as the guardian stone, this vibrant green gem is one of the top 25 crystals you should have in your home.
It protects against negative energies and enhances one’s willpower.
Malachite is also extremely healing. It is known as the ‘midwife’s stone’ because it’s good for alleviating labour pains as well as menstrual cramps and disorders.
- Color: Bright green
- Meaning: Protection from negativity, sensing danger, resisting temptation
- Chakra: Heart/throat
- Number: Vibrates to 9
- Planet: Jupiter and Venus
- Zodiac: Capricorn, Scorpio
- Elements: Earth
- Origin: Australia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Mexico, Namibia, Russia and the US
- Where to Place: Southern corner of your room, office or house, children’s room, bedroom, office, under the mattress
- Excellent healing stone
- Protection from lower vibrational energies and entities
- Enhances intuition and creativity
- Encourages risk taking and assists in times of change
- Alleviates procrastination and anxiety
- Promotes taking conscious, positive action
- It balances mood swings
- Alleviates menstrual cramps and menstrual disorders
- Boosts the immune system
- Known as the midwife stone to relieve labour pains
- Guards against EMF pollution
- Stimulates coincidence, synchronicity and intuition
- Balances relationships
- Helps release and draw out pain from trauma
Malachite Affirmations
- I move forward with the knowledge that I am safe and protected
- I choose to attract positivity around me by radiating positive energy from within.
- I choose to love and not give in to fear
- My heart is open to all types of love
- I release the shadows of my past, forgiving myself and everyone else who harmed me in such a deep way
Where to Get Malachite Tumbled Stones
10. Green Aventurine
One of the most popular crystals you should have in your home, green aventurine is known as the stone of opportunity.
It is thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, being very powerful in attracting luck and wealth.
- Color: Bright green
- Meaning: Maintaining energy and optimism in challenging times
- Chakra: Heart
- Number: Vibrates to 3
- Planet: Mercury
- Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Taurus
- Elements: Air, Earth, Water,
- Origin: Brazil, China, India, Russia
- Where to Place: Anywhere you keep technology, on your desk, bedside table, gaming room, East/Southeast corner of your house or room
- Attracts luck and wealth
- Career success
- Releases old habits, patterns and disappointments so that new growth can take place
- Calms irritation, anger and resentment
- Stimulates metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies and migraines
- Said to help with vision
- Transmutes negative energy into positive energy
- Stimulates will power and confidence
- Promotes healing of the physical body
- Improves focus at work or school
- Reduces brain fog
- Inspires motivation and zest for life
- Helps in seeing alternatives and possibilities
- Aids in decision making
- Very comforting
- Absorbs electromagnetic pollution
- Promotes leadership qualities
- Stimulates perception and boosts creativity
- Promotes compassion and empathy for yourself and others
- Promotes a feeling of well-being and relaxation
Green Aventurine Affirmations
- I am ready to make the most of every day
- Good luck follows me everywhere I go
- I welcome wealth and abundance in my life
- I am part of the Tree of Life
Where to Get Raw Green Aventurine
Where to Get Green Aventurine Tumbled Stones
CrystalAge Green Aventurine Tumble Stone (20-25mm) – Pack of 5
11. Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli is definitely one mystical stone you must possess! It is a powerful thought-provoking stone that helps you reveal and strengthen your inner truth.
It is a crystal of nobility and royal energy. It helps you discover your truest inner noble and divine nature. Lapis lazuli is also a gemstone of serenity and strength.
- Color: Deep sapphire
- Meaning: Deep self-knowledge, discovering inner truth, exploring past lives, developing intuition
- Chakra: Third Eye & Throat
- Number: Vibrates to 3
- Planet: Saturn
- Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
- Elements: Air, Water
- Origin: Afghanistan, Chile, Myanmar, Siberia, the US
- Where to Place: Bedside table, under your pillow, bedroom, vanity table
- Awaken your inner strengths
- Promotes self-awareness
- Balances the yin/yang energies
- Promotes relaxation
- Aids meditation
- Helps in dream recalling
- Enhances psychic abilities
- Brings mental and emotional virility
- Gives the ability to overcome trauma and grief
- Connects you to spiritual guidance and visionary awareness
- Stimulates the pineal gland and opens the third eye
- Boosts imagination
- Embodies vibration of truth and enlightenment
- Protects one from danger
- Promotes honesty and integrity
Lapis Lazuli Affirmations
- My intuition is clear and accurate
- I am aligned with my deepest truth
- I speak with confidence and courage, I honour the queen within
Where to Get Raw Lapis Lazuli
Where to Get Lapis Lazuli Tumbled Stones
12. Unakite
Unakite is a beautiful stone that helps you work on yourself by fighting bad habits and bringing out the best version of you.
It is a protective stone that guards you from negative energies and addictions.
- Color: Beautiful patches of green, pink and reddish-orange
- Meaning: Steady progress, supporting healthy habits, releasing emotional patterns
- Chakra: Heart, Third eye, Root
- Number: Vibrates to 9
- Planet: Saturn
- Zodiac: Scorpio
- Elements: Fire, Water
- Origin: Brazil, China, Sierra Leone, South Africa, the US (North Carolina)
- Where to Place: Dining room, bedroom, bedside table, living room, desk
- Helps get rid of additions
- Prevents over eating
- Balances emotional and physical bodies
- Helps you commit to tasks
- Removes blockages that limit growth
- Enables you to enjoy healthy relationships
- Brings success in new ventures
- Promotes better sleep
- Helps overcome alcohol addiction
- Relieves stress
- Draws what is meant to be
- Releases toxic relationship patterns and heals the heart
- Helps you come to resolutions to help transform situations
Unakite Affirmations
- I am here to flourish
- I am becoming healthier everyday
- Every day I become a better person
- I am shining a light on past painful experiences to bring about new awareness and transformation
Where to Get Unakite Palm Stone
13. Labradorite
Labradorite is believed to be a stone of transformation, balancing and protecting the aura, strengthening intuition and getting rid of insecurities.
The story of its discovery narrates that a brave Inuit warrior in Labrador, Canada wanted to free the ‘lights’ he found in the rocks so he struck them with his spear. The rocks he struck released their lights into the sky, creating what is now known as the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. The rocks he did not strike are where we find the Labradorite stone today. So labradorite essentially contains trapped Northern lights, according to the legend!
- Color: dark base color with metallic-looking colorplays of blue, green, yellow, and red
- Meaning: Mystery & magic, shamanic work, psychic abilities, divination
- Chakra: Solar plexus
- Number: Vibrates to 6,7
- Planet: Pluto
- Zodiac: Scorpio
- Elements: Ice
- Origin: Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Finland, Germany, Greenland, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, Russia, and the United States
- Where to Place: Southwest side of your home, living room, desk top, bedroom, bedside table, meditation space
- Enhances magical and psychic abilities
- Can be used with shamanic work and divination
- Helps shield your aura
- Discover your destiny
- Brings out the best in you
- Boosts metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual pain
- Helps dispel anxiety and depression
- Protects against negative energies while strengthens your own positive energies
- Connect your physical self to your higher self
- Boosts creativity and imagination
- Helps with lucid dreaming
- Expanded awareness and spiritual growth
Labradorite Affirmations
- I am attuned to the magic of the Universe
- I believe in my inner magic and known I can manifest my dreams into reality
- My timing is impeccable
- I honor my path and all who walk beside me
Where to Get Labradorite Palm Stone
Where to Get Labradorite Tumbled Stones
Jet Labradorite Tumbled Stone 100 Grams Approx. 0.75″ to 1″inch w/Velvet Pouch (Labradorite)
14. Red Jasper
Red jasper is a stone of strength and stabilizing. It connects you to the Earth’s energies and awakens the chi and kundalini energies.
It symbolizes health and passion. Red jasper has healing properties that strengthen and detoxify your blood and organs.
The Native Americans used to call it “Blood of Mother” Earth because of its rusty and earthy red color.
- Color: Rusty red
- Birthstone: February
- Meaning: Grounding, patience, persistence, stability, sufficiency
- Chakra: Sacral & Root chakra
- Number: Vibrates to 6
- Planet: Pluto, Mercury & Mars
- Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio & Virgo
- Elements: Fire
- Origin: Brazil, France, Germany, India, Russia, and the United States
- Where to Place: Bedside table, bedroom, under your pillow, center of the home
- Promotes grounding
- Stimulates courage
- Connects you to the earth’s energies
- Enables vitality and strength
- Enables self-expression
- Gives motivation
- Aids in relieving stress
- Strengthens boundaries
- Inspires tranquility and wholeness
- Vital life force
- Removes negativity
- Helps develop creativity
- Strengthens mental focus
- Cleanses the etheric body
- Banishes electromagnetic pollution
- Stimulates cognition
- Stabilizes your energy
- Ignites sexual passion
- Improves physical health
- Instills personal independence and protective energies
- Brings problems to the light before they become too big
Red Jasper Affirmations
- I am a child of the Earth and I belong here
- I have the strength and energy to heal physically
- I am full of life and vitality
- I honor my intuition, I accept my path, I am healing my body, mind and spirit
Where to Get Red Jasper Tumbled Stones
15. Selenite
Also known as ‘liquid light,’ selenite cleanses your aura, removes negative energies and raises your vibration.
It is a gorgeous translucent white or peach crystal that connects you to your true purpose.
- Color: Translucent white, peach
- Meaning: Spiritual cleansing, Clearing the aura, environment, chakras & other crystals
- Birthstone: February
- Chakra: Crown and third eye chakra
- Number: Vibrates to 6
- Planet: Pluto, Mercury & Mars
- Zodiac: All
- Elements: Fire
- Origin: Mexico, Madagascar, Morocco and the USA
- Where to Place: Near the front door, Bedside table, in the center of other crystals, in the window sill, on the coffee table in the living room, home office, meditation corner, shelves around your house
- Calming and peaceful for emotional support
- Raises one’s vibration
- Promotes a peaceful environment by cleansing negativity in all forms
- Brings abundance
- Boosts self esteem
- Angelic realm communication
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Helps you overcome difficult decisions
- Clears all blockages in the energy field
- Opens chakras
- Promotes truth & honesty
- Directs high frequency energy into the body
- Acts as a tool for enlightenment
- Cuts cords of dysfunctional energy from the etheric body
Selenite Affirmations
- I release any energy that is not mine & call my energy back to me
- My mind is clear and at peace. I have the power to manifest my wildest dreams
- I am at one with myself, the myself, the Earth and the Universe
- I am energy manifested in the physical realm. I embody peace and clarity in all I do
- Light is shining in all aspects of my life
Where to Get a Selenite Tower
16. Pyrite
Pyrite is known to be a powerful protective stone and while it shields your energy, it attracts wealth and prosperity.
It helps you manifest your dreams and reminds you that you can achieve anything you put your mind too.
Often referred to as Fool’s Gold, pyrite is a traditional crystal for money and good luck. It is a powerful tool for manifestation, especially with regards to wealth and prosperity.
- Color: Pale yellow, Brass yellow, Gold
- Meaning: Supporting your inner warrior, taking action with confidence, affirming masculine energy
- Chakra: Solar plexus
- Number: Vibrates to 3
- Planet: Mars
- Zodiac: Leo
- Elements: Earth, Fire
- Origin: Italy, Kazakhstan, Spain, the US
- Where to Place: Living room, desktop, home office, safe, wallet, bedroom, workspace
- Blocks out negative energy
- Boosts self-worth and confidence
- Bringer of luck, prosperity, abundance and vitality
- Grounding and high vibrational
- Great for manifesting and preparing for transformation
- Promotes passion for life and work
- Relieves anxiety and frustration
- Increases creativity and lets your ideas flow
- Improves memory
- Beneficial for the lungs, alleviating bronchitis and asthma
Pyrite Affirmations
- I act with power to create what I want in the world
- My willpower is strong, I achieve what I set my mind to
- I have the courage to step into my power to create new healthy habits for myself
- I am a magnet for good luck, strength and prosperity
- I am abundance in luck
Where to Get a Pyrite Pyramid
17. Howlite
Howlite is one of the most perfect crystals you should have in your home. It is a stone of calming and soothing energy.
It encourages you to let go of attachments that are causing stress and enjoy your life exactly as it is, without comparing it to others.
Howlite is the best stone for those who suffer from anxiety, stress, panic attacks and insomnia.
- Color: White with dark veining in a spider web pattern
- Meaning: Let go of stress, enjoying life, releasing attachments, restful sleep
- Chakra: All: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root
- Number: Vibrates to 2
- Planet: Mars
- Zodiac: Virgo and Gemini
- Elements: Air
- Origin: Canada, Germany, Mexico, Namibia, Pakistan, Serbia, Turkey, Russia, the US (California, Los Angeles)
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, under your pillow
- Releases baggage and unhealthy attachments
- Calms an overactive mind
- Heals emotional wounds
- Helps you stop self-criticism
- Promotes restful sleep when placed under your pillow
- Clear and peaceful communication
- Releases self-doubt
- Instills hope and increases the level of patience
- Furnishes peaceful aura
- Removes aggressiveness
- Helps you process your emotions
- Brings mental awareness and improves memory
- Helps with self-expression
- Removes veils and brings enlightenment
- Connects one with higher, spiritual consciousness
- Inspires inspiration and creativity
Howlite Affirmations
- I release any stressful attachments and embrace the joy of life
- I stay calm in stressful situations
- I release my emotional stress and anxiety, I feel at peace
Where to Get Howlite Tumbled Stones
18. Lepidolite
A beautiful lilac stone, lepidolite helps to shift and restructure old energy patterns, bringing light and hope to a situation.
It contains natural lithium which creates a calming energy, reduces stress, tampers down anxiety and even helps with bipolar disorder.
- Color: Purple/lilac/lavender but can also be in red white, pink, yellow and gray hues
- Meaning: Soothing and nurturing, emotional balance, stress relief
- Chakra: All: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root
- Number: Vibrates to 8
- Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
- Zodiac: Libra
- Elements: Water
- Origin: Africa, Brazil, Canada, Greenland, Madagascar, Russia and the US
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, under your pillow
- Calms nervous dispositions, eases mental stress and tension and promotes inner peace
- Brings emotional healing
- Stimulates the flow of joy, peace, serenity and love
- Enhances meditation and creates a Divine connection
- Reduces stress associated with change or transition
- Heals pain from relationships
- Help you through difficult times in your life such as change or mourning
- Relieves emotional suffering by helping you become awakened to the joy present in the Universe, no matter how little it is
- Helps with panic attacks
- Releases anger
- Aids in making wise decisions
- A stone for an empath
- Helps clear depression, after the emotion has served its purpose
- Reduces insomnia and other sleep disorders
- Brings awareness to the spiritual side of challenging experiences
Lepidolite Affirmations
- I maintain my center through the storms of life
- With each inhale my stress dissolves away
- I am the embodiment of grace and beauty, meeting all of life’s challenges with my highest integrity
- I claim my rightful personal power, and I use it to manifest the highest good
- I move through all life’s joy and sorrows, triumphs and traumas, with serenity and grace
- I am calm, centered and in control
Where to Get Lepidolite Tumbled Stones
19. Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline should probably be way back up at the top of this list of top 25 crystals you should have in your home!
It is the best stone you can use to keep all kinds of negativity far away. It has been used for centuries to keep evil spirits at bay.
This shiny black crystal really works a number on all things negative – negative thoughts, negative people, negative situations – BEGONE!
- Color: Potent inky black or jet black
- Meaning: Psychic protection, protection from negative emotions & intentions, clearing the aura, grounding, balance
- Chakra: Root chakra
- Number: Vibrates to 3,4
- Planet: Mars
- Zodiac: Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
- Elements: Earth
- Origin: Australia, Brazil, Kenya, Madagascar, the US
- Where to Place: Bedroom, near the front door, office desk, bedroom, bedside table, near your computer, wherever you frequently hang out in the house
- Most effective blocker of curses, psychic attacks and ill-wishes
- Powerful mental healer which balances and transmutes negative thought patterns into positive ones
- Wipes away destructive and self -deprecating thoughts
- Reduces stress, doubt and anxiety while bringing you a sense of peace
- Relieves heavy emotions such as fear, resentment, jealousy and anger
- Provides emotional stability and balance
- Helps you become grounded
- Shields you from psychic vampires (people who drain your energy, most of the time without even knowing it)
- Brings a feeling of security
- Powerful healing stone (when heated, it becomes negatively charged on one end and positively charged at the other which shows its ability to balance out extremes)
- Focuses awareness in the present
- Creates a barrier of safety and protection against evil forces
- Assists in understanding oneself and others
- Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity
- Deflects EMF and radiation
Black Tourmaline Affirmations
- I release negativity and rest in my connection to the Earth
- I am protected against all kinds of negativity
- I banish all negative attachments, within and without, I am purified, grounded and centered on Earth
- I release negative energy and now ground myself to the Earth
- I am safe at all times
Where to Get Raw Black Tourmaline
AAA Grade Natural Black Tourmaline Crystal Stone Rock
20. White Angel Aura Quartz
White angel aura quartz is an ethereal crystal much beloved for its multi-colored rainbow reflective surface, that makes us imagine the wings of an angel or fairy.
It is a quartz crystal that has been heated and an alchemical treatment used to bond vaporized platinum and/or silver to its surface.
White angel aura quartz is a crystal that is believed to reflect or mirrors one’s own soul.
It is very purifying and connects you to the Angelic realms, bringing you peace, calm and healing.
- Color: Translucent or opaque color with rainbow-like pearlescent radianceand sheen
- Meaning: A stone of cleansing, peace and harmony, Cosmic love
- Chakra: Crown
- Number: Vibrates to 4
- Planet: Sun, Moon
- Zodiac: All zodiacs
- Elements: Air
- Origin: Worldwide
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, meditation corner
- Radiates peace and positivity
- Helps relieve anxiety
- Alleviates stress-related illnesses such as anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness and depression
- Elevates your mood
- Attracts luck and success
- Assists in attuning to one’s spiritual purpose
- Aid for perceiving beauty in all things
- Helps you live in the present moment
- Allows you to enter into a state of serenity, peace, purification and rest
- Aids in angelic communication
- Promotes successful meditation
- Opens you up to divine knowledge
- Brings love and lights into any situation
- Facilitates peace and calming
- Enhances compassionate attitudes
- Purifies the soul of stagnant energy
- Aligns all chakras
- Enhances psychic skills
- Activates the energy of other minerals and crystals for healing work
White Angel Aura Quartz Affirmations
- My mind, body and soil live in harmony for my well-being
- Joy is the essence of my being
- I allow and embrace my connection with the Divine
- Trusting my intuition brings me peace
- I am surrounded by love and harmony
- My intuition is strong, I trust the signs and messages the Universe sends to me which guide me easily through life
Where to Get White Angel Aura Quartz Cluster
KFAD for Meditation 50g White Angel Aura Quartz Point Electroplated Crystal Cluster Healing Gift
21. Blue Lace Agate
Incredibly calming, blue lace agate is another must-have crystal, especially for night time.
It soothes worry, fear, stress, anxiety, doubt and sleeplessness.
Blue lace agate’s energy feels soft, nurturing, supportive and cooling! You’ll instantly crave its cool touch and baby blue color whenever you feel you need a shoulder to lay your head on – at least that’s how I feel about it.
- Color: Banded blue with white
- Meaning: Speak with conviction, communicating with clarity & confidence, enhancing verbal affirmations
- Chakra: Throat
- Number: Vibrates to 5
- Planet: Neptune
- Zodiac: Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius
- Elements: Water, Air
- Origin: Namibia, South Africa
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, home office, desktop, under your pillow
- One of the best nurturing and supportive stones
- Brings peace of mind
- Facilitates free expression of thoughts and feelings
- Helps to gently release suppressed feelings and feelings of being judged
- Neutralizes feelings of anger
- Instills joy, happiness and optimism
- Support personal growth
- Inspires loyalty and trustworthiness
- Promotes inner stability, composure and maturity
- Facilitates a strong connection between spirit and self
- Enhances verbal affirmations
- Enhances analytical abilities
- Excellent for starting over
- Promotes inner peace
- Brings feelings of tranquility
Blue Lace Agate Affirmations
- I speak my truth with integrity
- I calmly and gently speak my truth with love
- I communicate my ideas with clarity and I speak from my heart
- I am surrounded by people that support my happiness and personal growth
- I relinquish all of my stress
- I am safe and I trust the flow of life
Where to Get Blue Lace Agate Tumbled Stones
22. Moss Agate
Moss agate brings balance and stability to your life.
It is one crystal that is in deeply tune with nature and provides intense healing.
Moss agate, like many other green crystals, is also a stone of attracting financial success, opening avenues for more abundance and money into your life.
- Color: clear or milky white, with green dendritic inclusions that resemble moss
- Meaning: Speak with conviction, communicating with clarity & confidence, enhancing verbal affirmations
- Chakra: Root & Heart
- Number: Vibrates to 1,4,6,8
- Planet: Moon, Mercury
- Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
- Elements: Earth
- Origin: Brazil,India, Central Europe, Uruguay, Western United States.
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, home office, desktop, living room
- Brings deep inner peace
- Helps calm mood swings
- Promotes forgiveness and happiness
- Attracts new business and expansion of existing business
- Boosts the immune system, prevents dehydration and treats infection
- A stone of prosperity, abundance and healing
- Eases you into new beginnings and a fresh start in life
- Cleanses the aura and eliminates negative energy
- Boosts mental and emotional clarity
- Harmonizes and attracts beauty
- Accentuates all positive personality traits
- Brings self-confidence
- A great stone for gardeners and attuning to the earth
- Attracts new bonds of friendship and love
- Protects one from the harsh energies and elements of this earth
- Reduces emotional drama
- Enhances creativity
- Helps heal allergies and skin issues
- Inspires new ideals after periods of stagnation
- Eliminates depression caused by brain imbalances.
Moss Agate Affirmations
- I embrace new and unexpected positive aspects in my life and business
- My appreciation and relationship with nature allows for me to feel safe and stable within my body
- I choose happiness, abundance and success in my life
Where to Get a Moss Agate Sphere
23. Mother of Pearl
You may not think of mother of pearl as a crystal – but it is indeed a special gift from the sea.
Mother of pearl, also known as nacre, is the smooth beautiful inner lining found in certain shells such as pearl oysters and abalone. It has a pearly iridescent sheen that makes it a popular choice for making jewelry and decorative pieces.
Mother of pearl is created by all nacre producing mollusks. However, only a very small percentage will be infused by a foreign particle and go on to create pearls.
In ancient India, mother of shell amulets were worn to promote longevity and to overcome demons, misery and disease.
Ancient Romans carried it to ensure safe voyages out at sea.
- Color: White, off-white or pale pink tones with multi-colored iridescent gleams
- Meaning: Stone of motherly protection and calming, stress-relieving, attracts prosperity, inner wisdom and self-expression
- Chakra: Solar plexus, throat
- Number: Vibrates to 8
- Planet: Moon, Neptune
- Zodiac: Pisces, Gemini, Cancer
- Elements: Water
- Origin: Australia, the Philippines, South Sea Islands, Panama and Baja California
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, home office, desktop
- Helps one accept others by cleansing blocks and purifying
- Enables one to express love
- Gentle healing power
- Calms feelings of anger and fear
- Assists in decision making
- Guides you in discovering your hidden potentials and encourages you to use them.
- Attracts wealth, prosperity and better income
- Used in mystical work to heighten intuition, psychic sensitivity and imagination
- Protects you from negative influence
- A highly protective stone, especially for children
- Encourages you to use your inner wisdom and to do everything with your heart and mind in it
- Allows the flow of energy in your body and spirit
- Attracts strong kinships and warm relationships with the people around you
- Enhances personal integrity
- Connect you with the ultimate feminine energy and bring love energy
- Calming and centering
- Promote faith, charity, truth and loyalty
- Clarity in decision making
- Helpful for endurance, organisation and for home life.
- Balances and harmonizes emotions
Mother of Pearl Affirmations
- I am aligned with the energy of true divine abundance. I am confident in my own skin
- I walk through life with integrity and honesty
- I am at peace with who I am, and all that I am blossoming to become
Where to Get a Mother of Pearl Jewelry
ELEGANT Artisanal 18kt Gold Plated Mother of Pearl Shell CLOVER FLOWER Necklace
24. Carnelian
Carnelian is a feel better stone that instantly makes you feel energized and ready to live life.
It never needs to be cleansed and actually helps cleanse other crystals
This fiery red crystal works with the life force energy to help increase courage, creativity, motivation and also fertility.
- Color: Red, orange, scarlet
- Meaning: Courage to act, confidence, empowerment, physical vitality
- Chakra: Base, Sacral, and Solar Plexus
- Number: Vibrates to 5
- Planet: Mars, Sun
- Zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Aries, Cancer
- Elements: Fire
- Origin: Botswana, Brazil, Germany, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Russia, Uruguay
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, home office, desktop
- Builds courage
- Stimulates libido
- Dispels doubt
- Welcomes warmth, illumination and new life
- Heals old traumas
- Teaches one to invest more time on their general well-being
- Increases vitality
- Raises your energy and vibration
- Reduces heavy and harmful emotions like anger, fear, jealousy, laziness and lethargy
- Grounding and stabilizing
- Restores motivation for success
- Helps bring focus and balance with aids with spiritual connection
- Alleviates hormonal imbalance and fertility issues
- Banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love for life
- Boosts self-esteem
Carnelian Affirmations
- I act with power to improve my world
- I am motivated to use my creative energy for my highest good
- I am creating a life I’m madly in love with
- I courageously express my creativity with confidence
- I use my power to improve my world
- I share my gifts with the world with both ease and grace. I have the power to create change
Where to Get Carnelian Tumbled Stones
25. Rainbow Moonstone
Another beauty on this list of top 25 +crystals you should have in your home is rainbow moonstone!
It is a stone for new beginnings, inner growth, strength and awareness. It emits lunar energy and is also a good lover’s stone.
Ancient Romans believed that moonstones were solidified rays from the moon.
- Color: Creamy, translucent white with flashes of blue
- Meaning: Protection and growth, lunar energy, goddess feminine energy
- Chakra: Third eye, Crown
- Number: Vibrates to master number 77
- Planet: Moon
- Zodiac: Cancer, Libra
- Elements: Water
- Origin: Australia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, India and Mexico
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, home office, desktop, meditation corner, under the pillow
- Finding your life’s true path and providing insight
- Extremely protective stone, especially for travelers
- A feminine stone that balances women’s internal hormone cycles with the lunar cycle
- Enhances good emotions
- A lover’s stone with evokes tender emotions while safeguarding the true joys of love
- Supportive through change and it helps safeguard and ease us into a new path with renewed energy
- Emotionally balancing gemstone
- Emanates joy and clears emotional traumas
- Facilitates feelings of peace and tranquility
- Helps with purification and tranquility
- Intensifies your feminine ‘Goddess’ energy
- Known to bring strong energies of abundance to your life
- Encourages hope
- Heightens psychic gifts
- Helps you accept natural inborn personal power
- Helps you uncover parts of yourself that you least knew about
- Encourages moving into the unknown with perception
Rainbow Moonstone Affirmations
- I have the power to create change
- I am balanced and at peace
- I call forth the energy of the Divine Feminine
- I respond gracefully to every situation with compassion
Where to Get Rainbow Moonstone Tumbled Stones
26. Titanium Aura Quartz
This beautiful crystal is also known as rainbow aura quartz because its shiny and attractive surface reflects many colors of the rainbow.
To create this colorful and intensely potent crystal, titanium and other metal oxides are introduced and bonded to quartz in a vacuum chamber, resulting in rainbow reflecting, iridescent, intense multi-colors.
This crystal has both the properties of Quartz and titanium, a very strong metal. It’s the most powerful of all the treated Quartz. It helps enhance your aura and strengthens your ability to work through your struggles.
Quartz, being a master healer can cleanse and diffuse energy and coupled with infused Titanium, amplifies these properties to a very high vibration.
Titanium aura quartz also fuels your physical strength and vitality. This mineral promotes increased awareness of your intuitive abilities through a powerful connection to the unconscious.
- Color: Dichroic rainbows
- Meaning: Manifestation, Intuitive development, Psychic protection, Inspiring passion, Release of toxins
- Chakra: All chakras
- Number: Vibrates to master number 66
- Zodiac: All zodiacs
- Origin: Brazil, India, USA
- Where to Place: Living room, bedroom, desktop, workspace
- Personal empowerment
- Mental acuity and strength
- Activates all energy centers in the body
- Connects the user to their emotional strength
- Powerful manifestation
- Clears a pathway for vital life force to flow
- Brings vibrant energy and zest for life
- Energetic protection
- Gives energy and life to your financial and career goals
- Supportive for those in dysfunctional relationships by letting one see what lies ahead and helping release negative emotions such as anger and resentment
- For centering emotions when you’re feeling all over the place
- Shifts your attitude from despair to delight and enjoyment
Titanium Aura Quartz Affirmations
- I have the ability and strength to work through my struggles with hope and enthusiasm
- I am powerful
- My mind, body and soul live in harmony for my well-being
- My life is a joy and filled with love
- I live with love and light and live a happy and fulfilling life
- Nothing fazes me, I head towards my goal focused and determined
- I clear my aura of all negativity
27. Desert Rose Selenite
Also known as Selenite Rose, Gypsum Rose or Sand Rose, this gemstone is said to contain a spirit guide, which makes them protective talismans. They say each and every sand rose contains a unique spirit guardian, guiding you to your inner truth and potential.
Desert rose selenite is a form of gypsum, which forms when sand particles become embedded in it, creating rosette-like concretions. It is found in arid desert regions, hence its name.
This rosette-shaped gem is said to enable access to future and past lives and it is amazing for intuitive work.
Desert rose selenite is good for clearing negativity from objects and increasing heart centered awareness.
It greatly boosts self-confidence and self-worth, which makes it one of the best crystal for manifesting and affirmations.
Desert Rose Selenite Properties
- Color: rosette-shaped aggregate made up of numerous white selenite blades (petals) with sand inclusions that form a light-brown color
- Meaning: Purifying, protecting, calming
- Chakra: Root, Heart, Third eye & Crown
- Number: Vibrates to number 11
- Zodiac: Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
- Elements: Water, Earth, Air
- Origin: Afghanistan, Australia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia
- Where to Place: East or southeast corner of a home or room
Desert Rose Selenite Benefits
- A type of selenite, therefore can be used to cleanse and amplify other crystals
- Assists with cleansing one’s aura
- Traditionally used as talismans for protection
- Carries a gentle, calming and rejuvenating energy that can help relieve stress
- Enhances will power
- Grounds and protects you from negative energies
- Connects its user to their higher self
- Turns hatred into love
- Overcoming phobias
- Reduces self-doubt
- Cleanses the energy of the body
- Helps relieve chronic fatigue
- Wonderful for meditation, bringing clarity of mind
- Nourishes your physical being
- Helps reprogram limiting beliefs
- Assists in receiving abundance
- Increases creativity
- Helps you deal with grief in a healthy way
- Increases self-confidence and self-worth
- Helps you come out of your shell and explore your hidden talents
Desert Rose Selenite Affirmations
- I am clear headed
- I am comfortable in all social situations
- Clarity and harmony are within me
- I welcome change for my personal growth
28. Sunstone
Sunstone carries the light and energies of the brighter star in the solar system, the Sun.
It increases your personal power and brings blessings.
This stone is associated with leadership, creativity & positivity. It’s the perfect crystal to work with if you want to ignite your passion and motivation for life!
Sunstone Properties
- Color: Orange-red, brown
- Meaning: Wise leadership, motivation, independence, manifesting your creative desires, happiness and positivity
- Chakra: Sacral, solar plexus
- Number: Vibrates to number 1
- Planet: Sun
- Zodiac: Leo, Libra
- Elements: Fire, Air
- Origin: Southern Norway, Sweden, United States
- Where to Place: Bedroom, window sill, work table
Sunstone Benefits
- Stone of joy and happiness
- Traditionally linked to luck and fortune
- Generates enthusiasm, independence and originality
- Increases happiness and lifts depression
- Connects you with the restorative power of the sun
- Known as the anti-depressant of the crystal world
- Brings good luck, fortune and prosperity
- Increases self-worth
- Increases metabolic rate and helps with weight loss
- Assists in tapping into your zest and thirst for life
- Helps link your intention and will with action
- Reminds you to slow down and enjoy the little things in life
- Reduces fear and stress while offering protection
- Brings vitality, abundance and longevity
- Reverses feeling of failure and regret
- For passion and libido
- Helps you restore hope and faith in life
- Empowers those who will persecuted or abandoned by others
Sunstone Affirmations
- I am proud of what I have accomplished
- I claim my true place of leadership
- I choose happiness today
- I am connecting to my true calling
- I am inviting infinite abundance
- I am awakening my inner strength
- In every step I take, there is joy and confidence
29. Yellow Calcite
Yellow calcite is an amazing gemstone. It can’t hold negative energy like most other crystals but rather, it transmutes that negative energy into positive energy!
This beautiful bright yellow stone naturally cheers you up. It stimulates aura, helping you overcome depression, lethargy and hopelessness.
It helps you believe in yourself and recognize opportunities that come your way.
Yellow calcite has also been called ‘the great eliminator.’ It can help those who are pessimistic, overanalytical, recovering from sexual & emotional abuse in toxic relationships and more.
- Color: Light yellow to deep lemon yellow
- Meaning: Amplify, motivate, balance, release, support
- Chakra: Crown, Sacral, Solar Plexus
- Number: Vibrates to number 55
- Planet: Neptune
- Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
- Elements: Water
- Origin: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Iceland, Belgium, Brazil, Peru, and the USA.
- Where to Place: Bedroom, bedside table, home office, desktop, meditation corner, under the pillow
Yellow Calcite Benefits
- Infuses you with a sense of new hope and optimism to face the future
- Converts negative energy into positive energy
- Increases self-worth and helps you recover from toxic and abusive relationships
- Helps people recover from deep shame and sexual abuse
- Heals emotional wounds that impact creativity, sexuality and will
- Attracts abundance, prosperity and blessings into your life
- Can assist in learning new things and developing new skills
- Assists in hormonal balance, muscle pain and kidney detox
- Has a soothing nurturing energy that calms anxieties and soothes the nerves
- Helps with anger management issues
- Enhances one’s will and self-confidence
- Helps direct, ground and focus your energies
- Supports mental alertness while also encouraging a state of relaxation
- Helps break old patterns to gain new good experiences
- Helps you overcome procrastination and release fears so you can overcome blockages and pursue new passions
- Energizes you and fills you with vitality
- Infuses one with courage, confidence and strength
- Encourages responsibility, accountability and leadership
- Helps you recognize and harness your personal power in the right way
- Stimulates intellect, preventing over analyzing which gives you mental peace and clarity
- Helps with stress reduction
- Supports determination and perseverance in your goals
- Helps you look at challenges more objectively to find the most fitting solutions
Yellow Calcite Affirmations
- I have the strength and confidence to learn new things and develop new skills
- I am optimistic about my life
- I feel energetic. My mind and body are all about making me feel happier
- I am calm, I am balanced, I am fit
- I am grateful for whatever I am able to do and have no regrets for what I am not
28. Pink Amethyst
Did you know that pink amethyst was only recently discovered in 2017-2018 in Patagonia, Argentina?
This new, rare and valuable crystal was quickly revered and named the “2018 Metaphysical Stone of the Year”.
It draws its pink colouring from the inclusions of hematite within the structure of its crystal. Scientists who spent a great deal of time studying this crystal concluded that it is much closer to amethyst than any other crystal in the world, including rose quartz.
The pink amethyst crystals form in smaller geodes.
Pink amethyst is considered to be a soft-hued and feminine version of purple amethyst.
It is very powerful and carries the benefits of amethyst, a few qualities of rose quartz as well as its own gentle powers.
You can wear amethyst and rose quartz together and it’s the same as carrying pink amethyst alone because one piece of this beautiful crystal has both all their properties working together in synergy!
Pink Amethyst Properties
- Color: Pink/pale lilac
- Meaning: Emotional healing, peace, love, acceptance, positivity, open heart & mind
- Chakra: Heart,Third eye
- Number: Vibrates to Number 7
- Zodiac: All
- Origin: Argentina
- Where to Place: Bedroom, beside table, study table, vanity table
Pink Amethyst Benefits
- Known for its abilities to guide and heal
- Carries an incredibly strong energy which is why it is referred to as the master healer
- Improved relationships
- Enhances connection of the heart and spirit
- Brings peace and relaxation
- Offers comfort and support as you release unwanted stress and trauma
- Restores joy and peace to your heart and soul
- Brings determination, will power and clarity
- Helps you discover and align to your highest aspirations
- Alleviates emotional trauma
- Brings a sense of calm during stressful situations
- Awakens increased intuition
- Brings about an increased clarity of mind
- Has soft feminine nurturing properties that brings healing for present hurts and disappointments
- Provides protection against negative energies
- Heals emotional wounds
- Helps one become non-judgmental
- Increases self-love
- Helps you appreciate those around you
- Instills feelings of understanding, calmness, trust and grace
- Creates a loving and peaceful ambience
- Helps one experience lucid dreams
Pink Amethyst Affirmations
- I am calm, I am peaceful, I am relaxed
- I am accepted
- I am divine love
- I am valuable and worthy
29. Blue Calcite
30. Opalite
That’s it! You have reached the end of this post, ‘Top 25+ Crystals You Should Have in Your Home and their Benefits & Uses.’ Thank you for reading! Let me know your favorite crystals in the comment section below! Which crystals are you going to get?
M sivaram prasad. says
Very analytical,informative, and interesting.Covered wide range of crystals and stones.
Lisa Chimiak says
Can multiple stones be used together and put in the same locations, ie; around your home or under your pillow? Thanks