IBS symptoms are a pain to handle. Thankfully, there are some holistic lifestyle changes and remedies that can provide you with the relief you need. Yes, they work effectively! Continue reading for 7 natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome.
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS in short is a frustrating problem to have. It’s a set of symptoms, that usually present in a severe form, such as constipation, bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Not everyone experiences the same symptoms or has all the symptoms. Some people have more severe symptoms that are unbearable and this is what makes IBS crazy to have.
Natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome are things you can turn to while consulting the doctor as well.
The good thing with using these remedies is that they can be used within the comfort of your own home, are safe when done correctly, and can be used long term without worrying too much as they offer no harmful side effects.
7 Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

1. Foods to Avoid
When it comes to IBS, your diet is the first thing you have to look at. This is because IBS affects the gut and large intestine so what you put inside your stomach will make or break your IBS!
Many people with IBS follow elimination diets because you have to start eating consciously.
Cutting out inflammatory foods, foods that cause you to experience stomach upsets and foods that cause bloating and gas is key.
Here are the foods to avoid for irritable bowel syndrome:
- Foods with gluten, including barley, rye and wheat
- Legumes such as beans, chickpeas, peanuts and lentils
- Alcohol
- Caffeinated drinks
- Raw garlic and onions
- Dairy products
- Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.
- Insoluble fiber such as the peels of fruits
- Processed foods
- Foods containing sugar-free sweeteners
2. Foods to Eat
Now that we have seen foods to eliminate for IBS, the next step is finding out what foods are safe for IBS!
These would be gentle on your tummy, focusing on good digestion and not giving you gas, constipation and diarrhea.
You may include foods like:
- Bone broth
- Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir and kombucha
- Low FODMAP fruits such as cantaloupe, papaya, avocado, berries, oranges, kiwi, grapes, etc
- Low FODMAP vegetables such as kale, arugula, spinach, collard greens, etc
- Nuts such as almonds, brazil nuts, pecans and walnuts
- Oily fish such as cod, herring, salmon, mackerel
- Seeds such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and flaxseeds
- Lean meats
3. Soothing Teas
Ah…the thought of drinking hot tea for an irritated stomach, gas or bloating seems so relieving and it actually is! For me, strong black tea helps tremendously with the IBS symptom of diarrhea.
But what works for me might not be the same for you, so here’s a list of soothing teas for IBS:
- Peppermint tea
- Chamomile tea
- Ginger tea (helps with bloating and constipation-dominant IBS)
- Anise tea
- Lavender tea
♥ Read: 5 Soothing Teas for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
4. Pain Relieving Essential Oils
For me, essential oils are a god-send when it comes to alleviating specifically abdominal pain and bloating, which are two disturbing symptoms of IBS.
I like to keep peppermint essential oil in handy for these purposes. What you have to do is mix 3-6 drops of peppermint oil in 1 tsp of a carrier oil like grapeseed oil. Rub onto your abdomen in circular motions when laying down.
Here are other pain-relieving essential oils for IBS:
5. Supplements that Help
There are actually some helpful supplements out there for IBS. Let’s take a look at the best you may want to try out (please run them through your doctor first):
- Probiotic supplement – These will feed your body with much needed good bacteria that make your gut thrive.
- L-glutamine – An amino acid that is found in food/supplements. According to this 8-week study,106 participants with diarrhea dominant IBS who took oral glutamine supplements successfully reduced their major IBS symptoms.
- Psyllium supplements – This study showed that psyllium supplements helped manage overall IBS symptoms in people, especially gas.
Read more:
6. Stress Management
Stress can trigger IBS symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal symptoms. Anxiety, nervousness and fear which all cause stress, can lead to IBS flareups.
For me, anxiety is a real major trigger for stomach upsets and abdominal pain. Lots of people find that their IBS flares up when they’re stressed. So, finding ways to manage stress is undoubtably one of the major natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome!
You can try these methods to reduce stress:
- Deep breathing
- Meditation
- Telling yourself positive affirmations
- Relaxing
- Moving away from the stress-inducing situation, if possible
- Getting support from a loved one if you can
- Inhaling soothing scents like a few drops lavender oil from your hanky
- Diffusing essential oils like lavender, chamomile, cedarwood in a high quality diffuser
7. Drink Enough Water
I can’t stress this enough – but drinking water really plays a major role in reducing IBS symptoms.
Hot water in particular, works for bloating, gas and constipation.
Cool water can ease an irritated stomach after IBS diarrhea.
Keep sipping water because it helps a lot for quelling IBS symptoms!

There you are! 7 natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome that I pray help you as well! Want to share your thoughts in the comments below? Please go ahead!
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