This article talks about 10 tips for a healthy vag which you may not know about!
Many girls and women are not taught about their v🐱gina as they should be.
That’s because mothers may feel it’s a taboo topic. It shouldn’t be. Knowledge is power – it’s very important to know how to take care of your intimate health!
Below, read on to find 10 useful tips and guidelines to show you how you can show your v🐱gina some TLC. The crazy thing is, it even needs minimum care to thrive, as you’ll see:
10 Tips for a Healthy V🐱gina

1. Love her appearance
One of the topmost tips for a healthier vagina and vulva is to love, love and love her appearance.
Firstly, let me clear the misconception of ‘vagina’ being the word used for the outer parts of the female anatomical structure. The vagina is actually the inside structure. The outer part is known as the vulva, which contains the labia and the clitoris.
When you appreciate the look of your own vulva, you won’t feel bad and make regrettable decisions to change its appearance.
Your vulva is fine. Its color, shape, the size of your labia, darker parts, lighter parts, the pubic hair and anything that worries you about it not being perfect to look at.
As long as it is healthy, there is nothing you need to worry about.
Also, pubic hair is nothing to be concerned about. Whether you want it to grow, be trimmed, shaved or waxed, it’s 100% your choice! Do what makes you comfy!
2. Don’t use intimate washes, soaps & wipes
Do not use any soap or products to wash your vagina, a.k.a the inside part.
This is what I mean by your vag needs minimum care.
All you need is clean with water.
For the vulva, a.k.a the outside part, you can use water and a gentle soap in the shower.
Don’t attempt to wash inside. The vag is self-cleaning. Using products inside can disrupt the vagina’s natural pH balance causing problems like bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
Also, don’t over wash your vag. Leave it alone. You can just rinse it every after you go to the toilet and wash it when showering.
3. Eat probiotic-rich foods/supplements
Probiotic-rich foods include yogurt, kefir, pickled vegetables, miso soup, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha.
You can also take probiotic supplements like this one.
Probiotics are good bacteria that naturally live inside your vag. If they reduce for whatever reason, including washing, douching, eating too much yeast/sugar, after antibiotic use and others, then you may suffer from yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Supplementing with probiotics helps keep your good bacteria in plenty, which helps keep bad bacteria (the one which causes problems) away.
If you suffer from frequent UTI’s, you can also consider taking cranberry supplements in addition to the probiotics.
4. Never douche
Douching flushes away your good bacteria hence disrupting your vagina’s natural pH balance.
As well saw above, a disrupted vaginal pH causes vaginal problems like yeast infections and BV.
Leave your vag do to its natural work of self-cleaning.
5. Use condoms
Use condoms, dental dams and other forms of protection when doing the deed.
This protects you from STIs and unwanted pregnancies.
Many people don’t know they must always use condoms and end up learning the hard way.
It may feel like it’s awkward or spoil the moment when you insist on having protection before doing it but your intimate health should be number one.
6. Sleep without underwear
It’s important to let your vag breathe. When going to bed, try to sleep without underwear on, if you’re not on your period.
Allowing aeration helps your vag be healthier by improving your natural odor and preventing things like thrush or yeast infections which thrive in warm and damp conditions.
7. Wear cotton underwear
Thongs may be attractive but quite unhealthy to the wearer. Mostly because they are made of material other than cotton, which is a breeding ground for yeast.
Lingerie is also made of synthetic and lacy cloth that feels scratchy, uncomfortable and does not allow air to breathe, unlike cotton.
Buy yourself a nice pair of soft cotton underwear and be cozy and healthy!
8. Get regular STI screenings
When you have a partner, getting regular STI screenings is essential.
Trusting someone saying that they are clean yet they aren’t can happen to the best of us.
Even if you love someone, love yourself first and get tested. Some STIs are spread through skin to skin contact, which can happen when cuddling or making out without clothes.
9. Use natural lube
Lubricants contain irritating ingredients especially the ones that are flavored.
Try using natural lubricants like coconut oil or olive oil.
They do the same thing and are even better because they come without irritants.
Viva Naturals Organic Virgin Coconut Oil 16 Fl Oz / 473 milliliters
10. Avoid wearing pads/tampons for too long
Always change your pads or tampons every four hours, even if it’s not yet full.
Sitting on a pad for long is not healthy. It can aggravate your skin, cause itchiness and infections.
Also, keeping a tampon in for long can put you at risk for TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).
Do you have any other tips for a healthy vag? Share in the comments below!
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