Being a teen definitely is no easy job. It’s a time where a lot is going on – both good and bad. Sometimes, you can feel your life is in a slump/mess and you want to make it brighter. Well, you can! Read and try implementing these 10 things happy teens do!
Your teenage years are going to stay with you for the rest of your life. Many people are able to recall important events that occurred when they were children/teenagers, more than things that happen in their adulthood.
If you want to look back on happy times, instead of periods of sadness, then you’re going to have to accomplish one major thing: being happy. #sadgirlsummer shouldn’t last forever.
Being happy isn’t as easy as you may think for most people, even adults! So don’t beat yourself up if you don’t seem to find happiness easily. But what you can do is try. That’s why if you are a teen looking for happiness, this article can help.
Read these tips on the 10 things happy teens do and maybe they can kickstart your happiness journey!

List of 10 Things Happy Teens Do
1. Be Themselves
You know yourself more than anyone ever could. All your secrets, hobbies, memories and experiences make you the person you are today.
Don’t change yourself to suit other’s tastes or needs, or alter your whole personality to suit your friend group. That will not make you happy because you’re essentially forcing yourself to wear a mask every day, hiding your true self.
Happy teens just be their quirky selves. Whether they are introverts or extroverts, they are happy because they choose to be how they want to be!
2. Find & Do What They Love
Have you ever noticed the teens around you who are happy are really into something they do?
Whether it’s painting, football, cheerleading, music, dancing, singing, writing, baking, photography or even social media, everyone has a passion that makes them smile.
Discover things that you love. Get a hobby that makes you want to jump out of bed every morning.
Practice doing what you love every day and you’ll see yourself feeling happier!
3. Pick Their Friends Wisely
This is very important. Happy teens find a friend or friend group that they can trust, have fun with, vent to, and basically share happiness with.
If you feel happy and safe around your friend, then you’ve probably found the right company.
Stay away from so called friends who try to make you do things you are uncomfortable doing or generally make you feel insecure.
Remember that birds of a feather flock together – if you hang around a person too much, you can develop their traits and become like them. This is scary if you have a friend who has a bad influence.
It’s easy to pick your friends wisely – you’ll feel good vibes around them. But people change so don’t let your guard down.
4. Be Their Own Best Friend
Many people, not just teens, crave a ‘best friend.’ What they don’t know is that many times, you have to be your own best friend.
One major reason why you need to be your own best friend rather than relying on friends and family is this – It’s in the teenage years that you learn that having expectations of other people can lead to heartbreak and disappointment. It’s inevitable. To save yourself from going through this, don’t depend on others. Be your own best friend.
Some of the ways you can be your own best friend include: being nice to yourself, putting yourself first, protecting your energy, breaking toxic habits, and more.
5. Eat Breakfast Daily
Not eating breakfast can make you feel grumpy throughout the whole day. Happy teens make sure to eat breakfast at the start of their day.
Breakfast is important because it’s the first meal of the day which gives you the energy you need to get things done properly.
Furthermore, breakfast foods are rich in key vitamins and minerals like B-vitamins, calcium, iron, fiber, folate and Vitamin C, all of which you need as part of your daily nutrient intake.
People who eat breakfast are more likely to meet their daily recommended nutrient intake that those who don’t.
6. Go to Bed by 10 PM
Research shows that not getting enough sleep is one of the major causes of unhappiness and depression.
It makes sense because sleep is the body’s way of resting and repairing our body from the inside.
Not getting enough sleep makes people, especially teens depressed, feeling unmotivated and sluggish.
Fixing your sleep schedule by going to bed at 10 pm and getting a full 8 hours can increase happiness levels.
Having a night routine also makes teens feel productive, responsible and happier!
7. Drink Plenty of Water
Another one of the things happy teens do is drinking plenty of water!
Water is life. It’s needed for a lot of processes to work in your body and for your organs to function optimally.
Keep a hydro flask or cute water bottle filled with filtered water near you at all times. You can even make detox water by plopping in some fruit and veggie slices like cucumber, lemon, pineapple, mint leaves etc overnight. Drink the water the next day.
Sip on this water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated!
8. Listen to Uplifting Music
Music is one thing many teens find happiness in. It also makes them connect with other people and can uplift them when they feel low.
Listen to good music can make you feel generally more motivated and inspired. You can listen to songs you love while working out, cleaning your room, putting on makeup or even studying to raise your spirits!
9. Spend Time in Nature
Happy teens spend at least some time outdoors.
You don’t have to go to the countryside to find nature. Just sitting in your backyard watching the clouds move by, can be healing.
Other ways you can spend time in Nature include: going to the park, planting seeds, tending to flowers, watching the sunrise/sunset, or even watering your potted plant.
Try it! It brings a kind of peace and calm that makes you feel happier.
10. Practice Gratitude
Having a gratitude journal can be very life-changing.
Get a pretty notebook. This will be your gratitude journal. Every day, try writing a list of things that made you smile in your gratitude journal.
You can also decorate your journal by using fancy stationary, stickers, colorful pens, sketch pens, etc! It’ll be so fun and soothing!
Your gratitude journal can be like a diary but filled with only positive thoughts, good things you look forward to, pleasant memories and stuff that makes you feel cozy.
Galaxy Journal (Diary, Notebook)
Thanks for reading this article, ’10 Things Happy Teens Do.’ Are there any particular things you do that make you happier? Add them in the comments below!
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